Orbital library

Interface Clause

All Superinterfaces:
java.util.Collection, java.lang.Iterable, java.util.Set
All Known Implementing Classes:
ClauseImpl, IndexedClauseImpl, OrderedClauseImpl

public interface Clause
extends java.util.Set

Represents a clause, i.e. a set of literals. The individual literals, i.e. positive or negated atoms are ordinary formulas. This set representation already incorporates associative and commutative.

André Platzer

Field Summary
          The contradictory clause ∅ ≡ □ ≡ ⊥.
Method Summary
 java.util.Iterator factorize()
          Get all factors of F.
 Signature getFreeVariables()
          Get the free variables of a formula represented as a clause.
 java.util.Iterator getProbableUnifiables(Formula L)
          Get (an iterator over) all literals contained in this clause that may possibly unify with L.
 java.util.Iterator getResolvableLiterals()
          Select some literals of this clause, which are usable for resolution.
 java.util.Set getUnifiables(Formula L)
          Get all literals contained in this clause that unify with L.
 boolean isElementaryValid()
          Returns true when this clause obviously is an elementary tautology.
 boolean isElementaryValidUnion(Clause G)
          Returns true when the union F∪G would obviously contain an elementary tautology.
 java.util.Iterator resolveWith(Clause G)
          Get all resolvents of F and G, if any.
 java.util.Iterator resolveWithFactors(Clause G)
          Get all resolvents of factors of F and G, if any.
 java.util.Iterator resolveWithVariant(Clause G)
          Get all resolvents of variants of F and G, if any.
 boolean subsumes(Clause D)
          Returns true when this clause subsumes D.
 Formula toFormula()
          Convert this clause to a formula representation.
 Clause variant(Signature disjointify)
          Get a variant of this clause with the given variables renamed.
Methods inherited from interface java.util.Set
add, addAll, clear, contains, containsAll, equals, hashCode, isEmpty, iterator, remove, removeAll, retainAll, size, toArray, toArray

Field Detail


static final Clause CONTRADICTION
The contradictory clause ∅ ≡ □ ≡ ⊥.

The contradictory singleton set of clauses is {∅}={□} while the tautological set of clauses is {}.

Method Detail


Signature getFreeVariables()
Get the free variables of a formula represented as a clause.



Clause variant(Signature disjointify)
Get a variant of this clause with the given variables renamed. α-conversion

disjointify - the variables to rename (in order to produce a variable disjoint variant of F relative to some formula G).
a variant (i.e. resulting from a variable renaming) of this clause containing no variable of the signature disjointify.
RES.getFreeVariables().intersection(disjointify).isEmpty() ∧ RES is a variant of this


java.util.Iterator resolveWith(Clause G)
Get all resolvents of F and G, if any. (Resolution rule) Implementation already incorporates some cuts.

an iterator over the set of all resolvent clauses.


java.util.Iterator resolveWithVariant(Clause G)
Get all resolvents of variants of F and G, if any. (Resolution rule) Combines resolution and the required forming of variants beforehand.

See Also:
variant(Signature), resolveWith(Clause), Convenience Method


java.util.Iterator resolveWithFactors(Clause G)
Get all resolvents of factors of F and G, if any. (Resolution rule) Combines resolution and factorization, resulting in a quicker implementation. When F can be resolved with G via the resolution literals L and K, then in addition to the ordinary resolvent, this method also returns all resolvents resulting from a factorization of F (involving L) or G (involving K). Other factorizations are not necessary for completeness, since they can be performed later during resolution over the participating literals.

See Also:
factorize(), resolveWith(Clause)


java.util.Iterator factorize()
Get all factors of F. (factorization rule).

Will implement the factorization rule necessary for binary resolution:

{L1,...,Ln} |- {s(L1),...,s(Lk)} with s=mgU({Lk,...,Ln})
Which is the same as
{L1,...,Ln} |- {s(L1),...,s(Ln)} with s=mgU({Lk,...,Ln})
because of the set representation, and which again is the same as
{L1,...,Ln} |- {s(L1),...,s(Ln)} with s=mgU({Li,Lj})
because of set notation. The latter is the way we (currently) implement things.

all (proper) factor clauses of this, or if no factorization was possible.


boolean subsumes(Clause D)
Returns true when this clause subsumes D. That is there is a subsitution σ such that Cσ ⊆ D (and |C| ≤ |D|).

We can forget about subsumed clause D for resolving false, and work on C instead.

Conservative estimations are possible, i.e. returning false even for subsumption cases is allowed.


boolean isElementaryValid()
Returns true when this clause obviously is an elementary tautology. That is a p∨¬p ∈ F

We can forget about elementary valid clauses for resolving false, because true formulas will only imply true formulas, never false ones.

derived isElementaryValidUnion(Clause)


boolean isElementaryValidUnion(Clause G)
Returns true when the union F∪G would obviously contain an elementary tautology. That is a p∨¬p ∈ F∪G

We can forget about elementary valid clauses for resolving false, (essentially) because true formulas will only imply true formulas, never false ones.

G - a clause
(¬this.isElementaryValid() ∧ ¬G.isElementaryValid()) ∨ F=G


java.util.Iterator getResolvableLiterals()
Select some literals of this clause, which are usable for resolution.

RES ⊆ this


java.util.Iterator getProbableUnifiables(Formula L)
Get (an iterator over) all literals contained in this clause that may possibly unify with L. The formulas returned will more likely qualify for unification with C, but need not do so with absolute confidence.

Implementations may use indexing or links to estimate the clauses to return very quickly. Furthermore, implementations may apply selection refinements.

See Also:
RES⊆this ∧ RES⊇getUnifiables(L)


java.util.Set getUnifiables(Formula L)
Get all literals contained in this clause that unify with L.

Implementations may use indexing or links to estimate the clauses to return very quickly. Furthermore, implementations may apply selection refinements.

See Also:
RES = {K∈this ∃mgU{L,K}}


Formula toFormula()
Convert this clause to a formula representation.

Orbital library
1.3.0: 11 Apr 2009

Copyright © 1996-2009 André Platzer
All Rights Reserved.