Orbital library

Uses of Class

Packages that use GeneralSearch.OptionIterator
orbital.algorithm.template A framework for general algorithmic evaluation schemes including search and planning algorithms. 

Uses of GeneralSearch.OptionIterator in orbital.algorithm.template

Subclasses of GeneralSearch.OptionIterator in orbital.algorithm.template
static class BestFirstSearch.OptionIterator
          An iterator over a state space in best-first order.
static class BreadthFirstSearch.OptionIterator
          An iterator over a state space in breadth-first order.
static class DepthFirstSearch.OptionIterator
          An iterator over a state space in depth-first order.
 class IterativeBroadening.OptionIterator
          An iterator over a state space in depth-first order respecting the current bounds for the breadth of the search space that is subject to expansion.

Orbital library
1.3.0: 11 Apr 2009

Copyright © 1996-2009 André Platzer
All Rights Reserved.