Publications by André Platzer (BibTeX)

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  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Using a Program Verification Calculus for
               Constructing Specifications from
  howpublished = {Minor thesis,
        University of Karlsruhe, Department of Computer
        Science. Institute for Logic, Complexity and
        Deduction Systems},
  OPTmonth  = {Feb},
  year      = {2004},
  school    = {University of Karlsruhe, Department of
               Computer Science. Institute for Logic,
               Complexity and Deduction Systems},
  pages     = {83},
  abstract  = {
    In this thesis we examine the possibility of
    automatically constructing the program specification
    from an implementation, both from a theoretical
    perspective and as a practical approach with a sequent
    calculus. As a setting for program specifications we
    choose dynamic logic for the Java programming language.
    We show that---despite the undecidable nature of
    program analysis---the strongest specification of any
    program can always be constructed algorithmically.
    Further we outline a practical approach embedded into a
    sequent calculus for dynamic logic and with a higher
    focus on readability. Therefor, the central aspect of
    describing unbounded state changes incorporates the
    concept of modifies lists for expressing the modifiable
    portion of the state space. The underlying deductions
    are carried out by the theorem prover of the KeY
  pdf = {},
  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {An Object-oriented Dynamic Logic with
  school    = {University of Karlsruhe, Department of
               Computer Science. Institute for Logic,
               Complexity and Deduction Systems},
  year      = {2004},
  OPTmonth  = {Sep},
  pages     = {193},
  abstract  = {
    With the goal of this thesis being to create a dynamic
    logic for object-oriented languages, ODL is developed
    along with a sound and relatively complete calculus.
    The dynamic logic contains only the absolute logical
    essentials of object-orientation, yet still allows a
    ``natural'' representation of all other features of
    common object-oriented programming languages. ODL is an
    extension of a dynamic logic for imperative While
    programs by function modification and dynamic type
    checks. A generalisation of substitutions, called
    updates, constitute the central technical device for
    dealing with object aliasing arising from function
    modification and for retaining a manageable calculus in
    practical application scenarios. Further, object
    enumerators realise object creation in a natural yet
    powerful way. Finally, completeness is proven relative
    to first-order arithmetic. Along with the soundness
    result, this proof constitutes the central part of this
    thesis and even copes with states containing
    uncomputable functions.},
  pdf = {},
  author    = {Bernhard Beckert and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Dynamic Logic with Non-rigid Functions:
               A Basis for Object-oriented Program
  booktitle = {IJCAR},
  longbooktitle = {Automated Reasoning, Third International
               Joint Conference, IJCAR 2006, Seattle, WA,
               USA, Proceedings},
  year      = {2006},
  pages     = {266-280},
  doi       = {10.1007/11814771_23},
  editor    = {Ulrich Furbach and
               Natarajan Shankar},
  publisher = {Springer},
  series    = {LNCS},
  volume    = {4130},
  isbn      = {3-540-37187-7},
  issn      = {0302-9743},
  subseries = {LNAI},
  keywords  = {dynamic logic, sequent calculus, program
               logic, software verification, logical
               foundations of programming languages,
  abstract = {
    We introduce a dynamic logic that is enriched by
    non-rigid functions, i.e., functions that may change
    their value from state to state (during program
    execution), and we present a (relatively) complete
    sequent calculus for this logic. In conjunction with
    dynamically typed object enumerators, non-rigid
    functions allow to embed notions of object-orientation
    in dynamic logic, thereby forming a basis for
    verification of object-oriented programs. A semantical
    generalisation of substitutions, called state update,
    which we add to the logic, constitutes the central
    technical device for dealing with object aliasing
    during function modification. With these few
    extensions, our dynamic logic captures the essential
    aspects of the complex verification system KeY and,
    hence, constitutes a foundation for object-oriented
    verification with the principles of reasoning that
    underly the successful KeY case studies.},
  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Towards a Hybrid Dynamic Logic for Hybrid
               Dynamic Systems},
  booktitle = {International Workshop on Hybrid Logic,
               HyLo'06, Seattle, USA, Proceedings},
  year      = {2007},
  editor    = {Patrick Blackburn and
               Thomas Bolander and
               Torben Bra\"{u}ner and
               Valeria de Paiva and
               J{\o}rgen Villadsen},
  series    = {ENTCS},
  journal   = {Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci.},
  issn      = {1571-0661},
  volume    = {174},
  number    = {6},
  month     = {Jun},
  pages     = {63-77},
  doi       = {10.1016/j.entcs.2006.11.026},
  pdf       = {},
  keywords  = {hybrid logic, dynamic logic, sequent
               calculus, compositional verification,
               real-time hybrid dynamic systems},
  abstract  = {
    We introduce a hybrid variant of a dynamic logic with
    continuous state transitions along differential
    equations, and we present a sequent calculus for this
    extended hybrid dynamic logic. With the addition of
    satisfaction operators, this hybrid logic provides
    improved system introspection by referring to
    properties of states during system evolution. In
    addition to this, our calculus introduces state-based
    reasoning as a paradigm for delaying expansion of
    transitions using nominals as symbolic state labels.
    With these extensions, our hybrid dynamic logic
    advances the capabilities for compositional reasoning
    about (semialgebraic) hybrid dynamic systems. Moreover,
    the constructive reasoning support for goal-oriented
    analytic verification of hybrid dynamic systems carries
    over from the base calculus to our extended calculus.},
  author    = {Stephanie Kemper and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {{SAT}-based Abstraction Refinement for
               Real-time Systems},
  booktitle = {Formal Aspects of Component Software, Third
               International Workshop, FACS 2006, Prague,
               Czech Republic, Proceedings},
  year      = {2007},
  editor    = {Frank S. de Boer and Vladimir Mencl},
  journal   = {Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci.},
  volume    = {182},
  series    = {ENTCS},
  issn      = {1571-0661},
  pages     = {107-122},
  doi       = {10.1016/j.entcs.2006.09.034},
  annote    = {Appeared as UNU-IIST Report No.~344
  keywords = {abstraction refinement, model checking,
              real-time systems, SAT, Craig interpolation},
  abstract = {
   In this paper, we present an abstraction refinement
   approach for model checking safety properties of
   real-time systems using SAT-solving. We present a
   faithful embedding of bounded model checking for systems
   of timed automata into propositional logic with linear
   arithmetic and prove correctness. With this logical
   representation, we achieve a linear-size representation
   of parallel composition and introduce a quick
   abstraction technique that works uniformly for clocks,
   events, and states. When necessary, abstractions are
   refined by analysing spurious counterexamples using a
   promising extension of counterexample-guided abstraction
   refinement with syntactic information about Craig
   interpolants. To support generalisations, our overall
   approach identifies the algebraic and logical principles
   required for logic-based abstraction refinement.}
  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Differential Logic for Reasoning about
               Hybrid Systems},
  booktitle = {HSCC},
  longbooktitle = {Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control,
               10th International Conference, HSCC 2007,
               Pisa, Italy, Proceedings},
  year      = {2007},
  pages     = {746-749},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-540-71493-4_75},
  editor    = {Alberto Bemporad and
               Antonio Bicchi and
               Giorgio Buttazzo},
  publisher = {Springer},
  series    = {LNCS},
  volume    = {4416},
  isbn      = {978-3-540-71492-7},
  keywords  = {dynamic logic, hybrid systems, parametric
  abstract  = {
    We propose a first-order dynamic logic for reasoning
    about hybrid systems. As a uniform model for discrete
    and continuous evolutions in hybrid systems, we
    introduce hybrid programs with differential actions.
    Our logic can be used to specify and verify correctness
    statements about hybrid programs, which are suitable
    for symbolic processing by calculus rules. Using
    first-order variables, our logic supports systems with
    symbolic parameters. With dynamic modalities, it is
    prepared to handle multiple system components.}
  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer and
               Edmund M. Clarke},
  title     = {The Image Computation Problem in Hybrid
               Systems Model Checking},
  booktitle = {HSCC},
  longbooktitle = {Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control,
               10th International Conference, HSCC 2007,
               Pisa, Italy, Proceedings},
  year      = {2007},
  pages     = {473-486},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-540-71493-4_37},
  editor    = {Alberto Bemporad and
               Antonio Bicchi and
               Giorgio Buttazzo},
  publisher = {Springer},
  series    = {LNCS},
  volume    = {4416},
  isbn      = {978-3-540-71492-7},
  keywords  = {model checking, hybrid systems, image
  abstract  = {
    In this paper, we analyze limits of approximation
    techniques for (non-linear) continuous image
    computation in model checking hybrid systems. In
    particular, we show that even a single step of
    continuous image computation is not semidecidable
    numerically even for a very restricted class of
    functions. Moreover, we show that symbolic insight
    about derivative bounds provides sufficient additional
    information for approximation refinement model
    checking. Finally, we prove that purely numerical
    algorithms can perform continuous image computation
    with arbitrarily high probability. Using these results,
    we analyze the prerequisites for a safe operation of
    the roundabout maneuver in air traffic collision
  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {A Temporal Dynamic Logic for Verifying
               Hybrid System Invariants},
  booktitle = {LFCS},
  longbooktitle = {Logical Foundations of Computer Science,
               5th International Symposium, LFCS'07, New
               York, USA, June 4-7, 2007, Proceedings},
  year      = {2007},
  pages     = {457-471},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-540-72734-7_32},
  editor    = {Sergei N. Art{\"e}mov and
               Anil Nerode},
  publisher = {Springer},
  series    = {LNCS},
  volume    = {4514},
  isbn      = {978-3-540-72732-3},
  keywords  = {dynamic logic, temporal logic, sequent
               calculus, logic for hybrid systems,
               deductive verification of embedded systems},
  abstract  = {
    We combine first-order dynamic logic for reasoning
    about possible behaviour of hybrid systems with
    temporal logic for reasoning about the temporal
    behaviour during their operation. Our logic supports
    verification of hybrid programs with first-order
    definable flows and provides a uniform treatment of
    discrete and continuous evolution. For our combined
    logic, we generalise the semantics of dynamic
    modalities to refer to hybrid traces instead of final
    states. Further, we prove that this gives a
    conservative extension of dynamic logic. On this basis,
    we provide a modular verification calculus that reduces
    correctness of temporal behaviour of hybrid systems to
    non-temporal reasoning. Using this calculus, we analyse
    safety invariants in a train control system and
    symbolically synthesise parametric safety constraints.
  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {A Temporal Dynamic Logic for Verifying
               Hybrid System Invariants},
  number    = {12},
  year      = {2007},
  month     = {Feb},
  editor    = {Bernd Becker and
               Werner Damm and
               Martin Fr{\"a}nzle and
               Ernst-R{\"u}diger Olderog and
               Andreas Podelski and
               Reinhard Wilhelm},
  institution = {Reports of {SFB/TR~14 AVACS}},
  OPTtype     = {Reports of {SFB/TR~14 AVACS}},
  series    = {ATR},
  note      = {ISSN: 1860-9821,},
  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Differential Logic for Hybrid System
               Verification -- Reasoning about Interacting
               Discrete and Continuous Change},
  booktitle = {Dagstuhl ``zehn plus eins'' -- Zehn
        Informatik-Graduiertenkollegs und ein
        Informatik-Forschungskolleg stellen sich vor},
  year      = {2007},
  pages     = {80},
  address   = {Aachen},
  month     = {Jun},
  publisher = {Verlagshaus Mainz}
  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Differential Dynamic Logic for Verifying
               Parametric Hybrid Systems.},
  booktitle = {TABLEAUX},
  longbooktitle = {Automated Reasoning with Analytic
               Tableaux and Related Methods, 16th
               International Conference, TABLEAUX 2007,
               Aix en Provence, France, July 3-6, 2007,
  year      = {2007},
  pages     = {216-232},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-540-73099-6_17},
  editor    = {Nicola Olivetti},
  volume    = {4548},
  series    = {LNCS},
  publisher = {Springer},
  isbn      = {978-3-540-73098-9},
  keywords  = {dynamic logic, sequent calculus,
               verification of parametric hybrid systems,
               quantifier elimination},
  abstract  = {
    We introduce a first-order dynamic logic for reasoning
    about systems with discrete and continuous state
    transitions, and we present a sequent calculus for this
    logic. As a uniform model, our logic supports hybrid
    programs with discrete and differential actions. For
    handling real arithmetic during proofs, we lift
    quantifier elimination to dynamic logic. To obtain a
    modular combination, we use side deductions for
    verifying interacting dynamics. With this, our logic
    supports deductive verification of hybrid systems with
    symbolic parameters and first-order definable flows.
    Using our calculus, we prove a parametric inductive
    safety constraint for speed supervision in a train
    control system.}
  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Differential Dynamic Logic for Verifying
               Parametric Hybrid Systems.},
  number    = {15},
  year      = {2007},
  month     = {May},
  editor    = {Bernd Becker and
               Werner Damm and
               Martin Fr{\"a}nzle and
               Ernst-R{\"u}diger Olderog and
               Andreas Podelski and
               Reinhard Wilhelm},
  institution = {Reports of {SFB/TR~14 AVACS}},
  OPTtype     = {Reports of {SFB/TR~14 AVACS}},
  series    = {ATR},
  note      = {ISSN: 1860-9821,},
  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Combining Deduction and Algebraic
               Constraints for Hybrid System Analysis.},
  booktitle = {VERIFY'07 at CADE, Bremen, Germany},
  longbooktitle = {4th International Verification Workshop
               VERIFY'07, at {CADE-21}, Bremen, Germany, July
               15-16, 2007},
  year      = {2007},
  pages     = {164-178},
  editor    = {Bernhard Beckert},
  volume    = {259},
  publisher = {},
  series    = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings},
  issn      = {1613-0073},
  pdf       = {},
  eprint    = {},
  keywords  = {modular prover combination, analytic
               tableaux, verification of hybrid systems,
               dynamic logic},
  abstract  = {
    We show how theorem proving and methods for handling
    real algebraic constraints can be combined for hybrid
    system verification. In particular, we highlight the
    interaction of deductive and algebraic reasoning that
    is used for handling the joint discrete and continuous
    behaviour of hybrid systems. We illustrate proof tasks
    that occur when verifying scenarios with cooperative
    traffic agents. From the experience with these
    examples, we analyse proof strategies for dealing with
    the practical challenges for integrated algebraic and
    deductive verification of hybrid systems, and we
    propose an iterative background closure strategy.}
  author    = {Werner Damm and
               Alfred Mikschl and
               Jens Oehlerking and
               Ernst-R{\"u}diger Olderog and
               Jun Pang and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer and
               Marc Segelken and
               Boris Wirtz},
  title     = {Automating Verification of Cooperation,
               Control, and Design in Traffic
  booktitle = {Formal Methods and Hybrid Real-Time
  longbooktitle = {Formal Methods and Hybrid Real-Time
               Systems, Essays in Honor of Dines Bj{\o}rner
               and Chaochen Zhou on the Occasion of Their
               70th Birthdays},
  year      = {2007},
  pages     = {115-169},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-540-75221-9_6},
  editor    = {Cliff B. Jones and
               Zhiming Liu and
               Jim Woodcock},
  publisher = {Springer},
  series    = {LNCS},
  volume    = {4700},
  isbn      = {978-3-540-75220-2},
  keywords  = {},
  abstract  = {
    We present a verification methodology for cooperating
    traffic agents covering analysis of cooperation
    strategies, realization of strategies through control,
    and implementation of control. For each layer, we
    provide dedicated approaches to formal verification of
    safety and stability properties of the design. The
    range of employed verification techniques invoked to
    span this verification space includes application of
    pre-verified design patterns, automatic synthesis of
    Lyapunov functions, constraint generation for
    parameterized designs, model-checking in rich theories,
    and abstraction refinement. We illustrate this approach
    with a variant of the European Train Control System
    (ETCS), employing layer specific verification
    techniques to layer specific views of an ETCS design.},
  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Differential Dynamic Logic for Hybrid
  journal   = {J. Autom. Reas.},
  longjournal = {Journal of Automated Reasoning},
  year      = {2008},
  volume    = {41},
  number    = {2},
  pages     = {143-189},
  doi       = {10.1007/s10817-008-9103-8},
  issn      = {0168-7433},
  keywords  = {dynamic logic, differential equations,
               sequent calculus, axiomatisation, automated
               theorem proving, verification of hybrid
  abstract  = {
    Hybrid systems are models for complex physical systems
    and are defined as dynamical systems with interacting
    discrete transitions and continuous evolutions along
    differential equations. With the goal of developing a
    theoretical and practical foundation for deductive
    verification of hybrid systems, we introduce a dynamic
    logic for hybrid programs, which is a program notation
    for hybrid systems. As a verification technique that is
    suitable for automation, we introduce a free variable
    proof calculus with a novel combination of real-valued
    free variables and Skolemisation for lifting quantifier
    elimination for real arithmetic to dynamic logic. The
    calculus is compositional, i.e., it reduces properties
    of hybrid programs to properties of their parts. Our
    main result proves that this calculus axiomatises the
    transition behaviour of hybrid systems completely
    relative to differential equations. In a case study
    with cooperating traffic agents of the European Train
    Control System, we further show that our calculus is
    well-suited for verifying realistic hybrid systems with
    parametric system dynamics.
  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer and
               Jan-David Quesel},
  title     = {Logical Verification and Systematic
               Parametric Analysis in Train Control.},
  booktitle = {HSCC},
  longbooktitle = {Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control,
               10th International Conference, HSCC 2008,
               St. Louis, USA, Proceedings},
  year      = {2008},
  pages     = {646-649},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-540-78929-1_55},
  editor    = {Magnus Egerstedt and
               Bud Mishra},
  publisher = {Springer},
  series    = {LNCS},
  volume    = {4981},
  isbn      = {978-3-540-78928-4},
  keywords  = {parametric verification, logic for hybrid
               systems, symbolic decomposition},
  abstract  = {
    We formally verify hybrid safety properties of
    cooperation protocols in a fully parametric version of
    the European Train Control System (ETCS). We present a
    formal model using hybrid programs and verify
    correctness using our logic-based decomposition
    procedure. This procedure supports free parameters and
    parameter discovery, which is required to determine
    correct design choices for free parameters of ETCS.}
  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Differential-algebraic Dynamic Logic for
               Differential-algebraic Programs},
  journal   = {J. Log. Comput.},
  longjournal = {Journal of Logic and Computation},
  year      = {2010},
  volume    = {20},
  number    = {1},
  pages     = {309-352},
  optnote   = {Advance Access published on November 18,
  doi       = {10.1093/logcom/exn070},
  keywords  = {dynamic logic, differential constraints,
               sequent calculus, verification of hybrid
               systems, differential induction,
               theorem proving},
  abstract  = {
    We generalise dynamic logic to a logic for
    differential-algebraic programs, i.e., discrete
    programs augmented with first-order
    differential-algebraic formulas as continuous evolution
    constraints in addition to first-order discrete jump
    formulas. These programs characterise interacting
    discrete and continuous dynamics of hybrid systems
    elegantly and uniformly. For our logic, we introduce a
    calculus over real arithmetic with discrete induction
    and a new differential induction with which
    differential-algebraic programs can be verified by
    exploiting their differential constraints algebraically
    without having to solve them. We develop the theory of
    differential induction and differential refinement and
    analyse their deductive power. As a case study, we
    present parametric tangential roundabout maneuvers in
    air traffic control and prove collision avoidance in
    our calculus.},
  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer and
               Edmund M. Clarke},
  title     = {Computing Differential Invariants of Hybrid
               Systems as Fixedpoints},
  number    = {CMU-CS-08-103},
  year      = {2008},
  month     = {},
  institution = {School of Computer Science,
               Carnegie Mellon University},
  address   = {Pittsburgh, PA},
  pdf = {}
  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Differential Dynamic Logics. Automated
               Theorem Proving for Hybrid Systems},
  booktitle = {Proceedings des gemeinsamen Workshops der
               Graduiertenkollegs 2008, Dagstuhl},
  year      = {2008},
  editor    = {Malte Diehl and
               Henrik Lipskoch and
               Roland Meyer and
               Christian Storm},
  series    = {Trustworthy Software Systems},
  pages     = {29},
  address   = {Berlin},
  month     = {may},
  publisher = {GI},
  isbn      = {978-3-940019-39-4},
  location  = {May 19--21, 2008, Dagstuhl, Germany},
  url       = {},
  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer and
               Edmund M. Clarke},
  title     = {Computing Differential Invariants of Hybrid
               Systems as Fixedpoints},
  booktitle = {CAV},
  longbooktitle = {Computer Aided Verification, 20th
               International Conference, CAV 2008,
               Princeton, NJ, USA, July 7-14, 2008,
  year      = {2008},
  pages     = {176-189},
  month     = {},
  editor    = {Aarti Gupta and
               Sharad Malik},
  publisher = {Springer},
  series    = {LNCS},
  volume    = {5123},
  isbn      = {978-3-540-70543-7},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-540-70545-1_17},
  keywords  = {verification of hybrid systems,
               differential invariants, verification logic,
               fixedpoint engine},
  abstract  = {
    We introduce a fixedpoint algorithm for verifying
    safety properties of hybrid systems with differential
    equations whose right-hand sides are polynomials in the
    state variables. In order to verify nontrivial systems
    without solving their differential equations and
    without numerical errors, we use a continuous
    generalization of induction, for which our algorithm
    computes the required differential invariants. As a
    means for combining local differential invariants into
    global system invariants in a sound way, our fixedpoint
    algorithm works with a compositional verification logic
    for hybrid systems. To improve the verification power,
    we further introduce a saturation procedure that
    refines the system dynamics successively with
    differential invariants until safety becomes provable.
    By complementing our symbolic verification algorithm
    with a robust version of numerical falsification, we
    obtain a fast and sound verification procedure. We
    verify roundabout maneuvers in air traffic management
    and collision avoidance in train control.}
  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer and
               Jan-David Quesel},
  title     = {{KeYmaera}: A Hybrid Theorem Prover for
               Hybrid Systems.},
  booktitle = {IJCAR},
  longbooktitle = {Automated Reasoning, Fourth
               International Joint Conference, IJCAR 2008,
               Sydney, Australia, Proceedings},
  year      = {2008},
  pages     = {171-178},
  editor    = {Alessandro Armando and
               Peter Baumgartner and
               Gilles Dowek},
  publisher = {Springer},
  series    = {LNCS},
  volume    = {5195},
  isbn      = {978-3-540-71069-1},
  issn      = {0302-9743},
  subseries = {LNAI},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-540-71070-7_15},
  keywords  = {dynamic logic, automated theorem proving,
               decision procedures, computer algebra,
               verification of hybrid systems},
  abstract  = {
    KeYmaera is a hybrid verification tool for hybrid
    systems that combines deductive, real algebraic, and
    computer algebraic prover technologies. It is an
    automated and interactive theorem prover for a natural
    specification and verification logic for hybrid
    systems. KeYmaera supports differential dynamic logic,
    which is a real-valued first-order dynamic logic for
    hybrid programs, a program notation for hybrid
    automata. For automating the verification process,
    KeYmaera implements a generalized free-variable sequent
    calculus and automatic proof strategies that decompose
    the hybrid system specification symbolically. To
    overcome the complexity of real arithmetic, we
    integrate real quantifier elimination following an
    iterative background closure strategy. Our tool is
    particularly suitable for verifying parametric hybrid
    systems and has been used successfully for verifying
    collision avoidance in case studies from train control
    and air traffic management.}
  author  = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title   = {Differential Dynamic Logics:
             Automated Theorem Proving for Hybrid Systems},
  school  = {Department of Computing Science,
             University of Oldenburg},
  year    = {2008},
  pages   = {299},
  url     = {},
  author    = {Edmund M. Clarke and
               Bruce Krogh and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer and
               Raj Rajkumar},
  title     = {Analysis and Verification Challenges for
               Cyber-Physical Transportation Systems},
  year      = {2008},
  booktitle = {NITRD National Workshop for Research on
               Transportation Cyber-Physical Systems:
               Automotive, Aviation, and Rail},
  pdf =
  abstract  = {
    Substantial technological and engineering advances in
    various disciplines make it possible more than ever
    before to provide autonomous control choices for cars,
    trains, and aircraft. Correct automatic control can
    improve overall safety tremendously. Yet, ensuring a
    safe operation of those control assistants under all
    circumstances requires analysis techniques that are
    prepared for the rising complexity resulting from
    combinations of several computerized safety measures.
    We identify cases where cyber-physical transportation
    systems pose particularly demanding challenges for
    future research in formal analysis techniques.}
  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer and Edmund M. Clarke},
  title     = {Computing Differential Invariants of Hybrid
               Systems as Fixedpoints},
  journal   = {Form. Methods Syst. Des.},
  longjournal = {Formal Methods in System Design},
  year      = {2009},
  volume    = {35},
  number    = {1},
  pages     = {98-120},
  doi       = {10.1007/s10703-009-0079-8},
  keywords  = {verification of hybrid systems,
               differential invariants, verification logic,
               fixedpoint engine},
  abstract  = {
    We introduce a fixedpoint algorithm for verifying
    safety properties of hybrid systems with differential
    equations whose right-hand sides are polynomials in the
    state variables. In order to verify nontrivial systems
    without solving their differential equations and
    without numerical errors, we use a continuous
    generalization of induction, for which our algorithm
    computes the required differential invariants. As a
    means for combining local differential invariants into
    global system invariants in a sound way, our fixedpoint
    algorithm works with a compositional verification logic
    for hybrid systems. With this compositional approach we
    exploit locality in system designs. To improve the
    verification power, we further introduce a saturation
    procedure that refines the system dynamics successively
    with differential invariants until safety becomes
    provable. By complementing our symbolic verification
    algorithm with a robust version of numerical
    falsification, we obtain a fast and sound verification
    procedure. We verify roundabout maneuvers in air
    traffic management and collision avoidance in train
    control and car control.}
  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer and
               Jan-David Quesel and
               Philipp R{\"u}mmer},
  title     = {Real World Verification},
  booktitle = {CADE},
  longbooktitle = {International Conference on Automated
               Deduction, {CADE-22}, Montreal, Canada,
  year      = {2009},
  pages     = {485-501},
  editor    = {Renate A. Schmidt},
  publisher = {Springer},
  series    = {LNCS},
  volume    = {5663},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-642-02959-2_35},
  keywords  = {real-closed fields, decision procedures,
               hybrid systems, software verification},
  abstract  = {
    Scalable handling of real arithmetic is a crucial part
    of the verification of hybrid systems, mathematical
    algorithms, and mixed analog/digital circuits. Despite
    substantial advances in verification technology,
    complexity issues with classical decision procedures
    are still a major obstacle for formal verification of
    real-world applications, e.g., in automotive and
    avionic industries. To identify strengths and
    weaknesses, we examine state of the art symbolic
    techniques and implementations for the universal
    fragment of real-closed fields: approaches based on
    quantifier elimination, Gr\"obner Bases, and
    semidefinite programming for the Positivstellensatz.
    Within a uniform context of the verification tool
    KeYmaera, we compare these approaches qualitatively and
    quantitatively on verification benchmarks from hybrid
    systems, textbook algorithms, and on geometric
    problems. Finally, we introduce a new decision
    procedure combining Gr\"obner Bases and semidefinite
    programming for the real Nullstellensatz that
    outperforms the individual approaches on an interesting
    set of problems.}
  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Differential Dynamic Logics:
               Automated Theorem Proving for Hybrid
  journal   = {K\"unstliche Intelligenz},
  year      = {2010},
  volume    = {24},
  number    = {1},
  doi       = {10.1007/s13218-010-0014-6},
  pages     = {75-77},
  issn      = {0933-1875},
  abstract  = {
    Designing and analyzing hybrid systems, which are
    models for complex physical systems, is expensive and
    error-prone. The dissertation presented in this article
    introduces a verification logic that is suitable for
    analyzing the behavior of hybrid systems. It presents a
    proof calculus and a new deductive verification tool
    for hybrid systems that has been used successfully to
    verify aircraft and train control.}
  author    = {Sumit Kumar Jha and
               Edmund Clarke and
               Christopher Langmead and
               Axel Legay and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer and
               Paolo Zuliani},
  title     = {Statistical Model Checking for Complex
               Stochastic Models in Systems Biology},
  number    = {CMU-CS-09-110},
  year      = {2009},
  month     = {},
  institution = {School of Computer Science,
               Carnegie Mellon University},
  address   = {Pittsburgh, PA},
  pdf = {}
  author    = {Sumit Kumar Jha and
               Edmund Clarke and
               Christopher Langmead and
               Axel Legay and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer and
               Paolo Zuliani},
  title     = {A {Bayesian} Approach to Model Checking
               Biological Systems},
  booktitle = {CMSB},
  year      = {2009},
  pages     = {218-234},
  editor    = {Pierpaolo Degano and
               Roberto Gorrieri},
  longbooktitle = {Computational Methods in Systems
               Biology, 7th International Conference, CMSB
               2009, Bologna, Italy, Proceedings},
  publisher = {Springer},
  series    = {LNCS},
  volume    = {5688},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-642-03845-7_15},
  abstract  = {
    Recently, there has been considerable interest in the
    use of Model Checking for Systems Biology.
    Unfortunately, the state space of stochastic biological
    models is often too large for classical Model Checking
    techniques. For these models, a statistical approach to
    Model Checking has been shown to be an effective
    alternative. Extending our earlier work, we present the
    first algorithm for performing statistical Model
    Checking using Bayesian Sequential Hypothesis Testing.
    We show that our Bayesian approach outperforms current
    statistical Model Checking techniques, which rely on
    tests from Classical (aka Frequentist) statistics, by
    requiring fewer system simulations. Another advantage
    of our approach is the ability to incorporate prior
    Biological knowledge about the model being verified. We
    demonstrate our algorithm on a variety of models from
    the Systems Biology literature and show that it enables
    faster verification than state-of-the-art techniques,
    even when no prior knowledge is available.}
  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer and
               Jan-David Quesel and
               Philipp R{\"u}mmer},
  title     = {Real World Verification},
  number    = {52},
  year      = {2009},
  month     = {Jun},
  editor    = {Bernd Becker and
               Werner Damm and
               Martin Fr{\"a}nzle and
               Ernst-R{\"u}diger Olderog and
               Andreas Podelski and
               Reinhard Wilhelm},
  institution = {Reports of {SFB/TR~14 AVACS}},
  OPTtype      = {Reports of {SFB/TR~14 AVACS}},
  series    = {ATR},
  note      = {ISSN: 1860-9821,},
  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Verification of Cyberphysical Transportation
  journal   = {IEEE Intelligent Systems},
  volume    = {24},
  number    = {4},
  year      = {2009},
  pages     = {10-13},
  doi       = {10.1109/MIS.2009.81},
  issn      = {1541-1672},
  keywords  = {cyber-physical transportation systems,
               train control, air traffic control,
               logic-based analysis, verification},
  abstract  = {
    Cyberphysical system technology has an important share
    in modern intelligent transportation systems, including
    next generation flight, rail, and car control. This
    control technology is intended to help improve
    performance objectives like throughput and improve
    overall system safety. To ensure that these
    transportation systems operate correctly, new analysis
    techniques are needed that consider physical movement
    combined with computational control to establish
    properties like collision freedom. Logic-based analysis
    can verify the correct functioning of these
    cyberphysical systems.}
  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer and
               Edmund M. Clarke},
  title     = {Formal Verification of Curved Flight
               Collision Avoidance Maneuvers:
               A Case Study},
  booktitle = {FM},
  year      = {2009},
  pages     = {547-562},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-642-05089-3_35},
  editor    = {Ana Cavalcanti and
               Dennis Dams},
  longbooktitle = {FM 2009: Formal Methods, 16th
               International Symposium on Formal Methods,
               Eindhoven, Netherlands, November 2-6, 2009,
  publisher = {Springer},
  series    = {LNCS},
  volume    = {5850},
  keywords  = {formal verification of hybrid systems,
               deduction, air traffic control,
               logic for hybrid systems},
  abstract  = {
    Aircraft collision avoidance maneuvers are important
    and complex applications. Curved flight exhibits
    nontrivial continuous behavior. In combination with the
    control choices during air traffic maneuvers, this
    yields hybrid systems with challenging interactions of
    discrete and continuous dynamics. As a case study
    illustrating the use of a new proof assistant for a
    logic for nonlinear hybrid systems, we analyze
    collision freedom of roundabout maneuvers in air
    traffic control, where appropriate curved flight, good
    timing, and compatible maneuvering are crucial for
    guaranteeing safe spatial separation of aircraft
    throughout their flight. We show that formal
    verification of hybrid systems can scale to curved
    flight maneuvers required in aircraft control
    applications. We introduce a fully flyable variant of
    the roundabout collision avoidance maneuver and verify
    safety properties by compositional verification.}
  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer and
               Edmund M. Clarke},
  title     = {Formal Verification of Curved Flight
               Collision Avoidance Maneuvers:
               A Case Study},
  number    = {CMU-CS-09-147},
  year      = {2009},
  month     = {},
  institution = {School of Computer Science,
               Carnegie Mellon University},
  address   = {Pittsburgh, PA},
  pdf = {}
  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer and
               Jan-David Quesel},
  title     = {{European Train Control System}:
               A Case Study in Formal Verification},
  booktitle = {ICFEM},
  year      = {2009},
  pages     = {246-265},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-642-10373-5_13},
  editor    = {Karin Breitman and
               Ana Cavalcanti},
  longbooktitle = {Formal Methods and Software Engineering,
               11th International Conference on Formal
               Engineering Methods, ICFEM 2009,
               Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, December 9-12, 2009.
  publisher = {Springer},
  series    = {LNCS},
  volume    = {5885},
  isbn      = {},
  keywords  = {formal verification of hybrid systems,
               train control, theorem proving,
               parameter constraint identification,
  abstract  = {
    Complex physical systems have several degrees of
    freedom. They only work correctly when their control
    parameters obey corresponding constraints. Based on the
    informal specification of the European Train Control
    System (ETCS), we design a controller for its
    cooperation protocol. For its free parameters, we
    successively identify constraints that are required to
    ensure collision freedom. We formally prove the
    parameter constraints to be sharp by characterizing
    them equivalently in terms of reachability properties
    of the hybrid system dynamics. Using our deductive
    verification tool KeYmaera, we formally verify
    controllability, safety, liveness, and reactivity
    properties of the ETCS protocol that entail collision
    freedom. We prove that the ETCS protocol remains
    correct even in the presence of perturbation by
    disturbances in the dynamics. We verify that safety is
    preserved when a PI controlled speed supervision is
  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer and
               Jan-David Quesel},
  title     = {{European Train Control System}:
               A Case Study in Formal Verification},
  number    = {54},
  year      = {2009},
  month     = {Sep},
  editor    = {Bernd Becker and
               Werner Damm and
               Martin Fr{\"a}nzle and
               Ernst-R{\"u}diger Olderog and
               Andreas Podelski and
               Reinhard Wilhelm},
  institution = {Reports of {SFB/TR~14 AVACS}},
  OPTtype   = {Reports of {SFB/TR~14 AVACS}},
  series    = {ATR},
  note      = {ISSN: 1860-9821,},
  author    = {Paolo Zuliani and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer and
               Edmund M. Clarke},
  title     = {Bayesian Statistical Model Checking with
               Application to {Simulink/Stateflow}
  booktitle = {HSCC},
  year      = {2010},
  pages     = {243-252},
  doi       = {10.1145/1755952.1755987},
  editor    = {Karl Henrik Johansson and
               Wang Yi},
  longbooktitle = {Proceedings of the 13th ACM
               International Conference on
               Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control,
               HSCC 2010, Stockholm,
               Sweden, April 12-15, 2010},
  publisher = {ACM},
  isbn      = {978-1-60558-955-8},
  abstract  = {
    We address the problem of model checking stochastic
    systems, i.e. checking whether a stochastic system
    satisfies a certain temporal property with a
    probability greater (or smaller) than a fixed
    threshold. In particular, we present a novel
    Statistical Model Checking (SMC) approach based on
    Bayesian statistics. We show that our approach is
    feasible for hybrid systems with stochastic
    transitions, a generalization of Simulink/Stateflow
    models. Standard approaches to stochastic (discrete)
    systems require numerical solutions for large
    optimization problems and quickly become infeasible
    with larger state spaces. Generalizations of these
    techniques to hybrid systems with stochastic effects
    are even more challenging. The SMC approach was
    pioneered by Younes and Simmons in the discrete and
    non-Bayesian case. It solves the verification problem
    by combining randomized sampling of system traces
    (which is very efficient for Simulink/Stateflow) with
    hypothesis testing or estimation. We believe SMC is
    essential for scaling up to large Stateflow/Simulink
    models. While the answer to the verification problem is
    not guaranteed to be correct, we prove that Bayesian
    SMC can make the probability of giving a wrong answer
    arbitrarily small. The advantage is that answers can
    usually be obtained much faster than with standard,
    exhaustive model checking techniques. We apply our
    Bayesian SMC approach to a representative example of
    stochastic discrete-time hybrid system models in
    Stateflow/Simulink: a fuel control system featuring
    hybrid behavior and fault tolerance. We show that our
    technique enables faster verification than
    state-of-the-art statistical techniques, while
    retaining the same error bounds. We emphasize that
    Bayesian SMC is by no means restricted to
    Stateflow/Simulink models: we have in fact successfully
    applied it to very large stochastic models from Systems
  author    = {Paolo Zuliani and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer and
               Edmund M. Clarke},
  title     = {Bayesian Statistical Model Checking with
               Application to  {Simulink/Stateflow}
  number    = {CMU-CS-10-100},
  year      = {2010},
  month     = {Jan},
  institution = {School of Computer Science,
               Carnegie Mellon University},
  address   = {Pittsburgh, PA},
  pdf = {}
  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Logical Analysis of Hybrid Systems:
               Proving Theorems for Complex Dynamics},
  publisher = {Springer},
  address   = {Heidelberg},
  year      = {2010},
  isbn      = {978-3-642-14508-7},
  e-isbn    = {978-3-642-14509-4},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-642-14509-4},
  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Quantified Differential Dynamic Logic
               for Distributed Hybrid Systems},
  booktitle = {CSL},
  year      = {2010},
  pages     = {469-483},
  editor    = {Anuj Dawar and
               Helmut Veith},
  longbooktitle = {Computer Science Logic
               24th International Workshop, CSL 2010,
               19th Annual Conference of the EACSL, Brno,
               Czech Republic, August 23-27, 2010.
  publisher = {Springer},
  series    = {LNCS},
  volume    = {6247},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-642-15205-4_36},
  isbn      = {978-3-642-15204-7},
  keywords  = {Dynamic logic, Distributed hybrid systems,
               Axiomatization, Theorem proving,
               Quantified differential equations},
  abstract  = {
    We address a fundamental mismatch between the
    combinations of dynamics that occur in complex physical
    systems and the limited kinds of dynamics supported in
    analysis. Modern applications combine communication,
    computation, and control. They may even form dynamic
    networks, where neither structure nor dimension stay
    the same while the system follows mixed discrete and
    continuous dynamics.

     We provide the logical foundations for closing this
    analytic gap. We develop a system model for distributed
    hybrid systems that combines quantified differential
    equations with quantified assignments and dynamic
    dimensionality-changes. We introduce a dynamic logic
    for verifying distributed hybrid systems and present a
    proof calculus for it. We prove that this calculus is a
    sound and complete axiomatization of the behavior of
    distributed hybrid systems relative to quantified
    differential equations. In our calculus we have proven
    collision freedom in distributed car control even when
    new cars may appear dynamically on the road.}
  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Quantified Differential Dynamic Logic
               for Distributed Hybrid Systems},
  number    = {CMU-CS-10-126},
  year      = {2010},
  month     = {May},
  institution = {School of Computer Science,
               Carnegie Mellon University},
  address   = {Pittsburgh, PA},
  pdf = {}
  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Quantified Differential Invariants},
  booktitle = {HSCC},
  year      = {2011},
  pages     = {63-72},
  doi       = {10.1145/1967701.1967713},
  editor    = {Emilio Frazzoli and
               Radu Grosu},
  longbooktitle = {Proceedings of the 14th ACM
               International Conference on Hybrid Systems:
               Computation and Control, HSCC 2011, Chicago,
               USA, April 12-14, 2011},
  publisher = {ACM},
  isbn      = {},
  keywords  = {distributed hybrid systems,
               verification logic,
               quantified differential equations,
               quantified differential invariants},
  abstract  = {
    We address the verification problem for distributed
    hybrid systems with nontrivial dynamics. Consider air
    traffic collision avoidance maneuvers, for example.
    Verifying dynamic appearance of aircraft during an
    ongoing collision avoidance maneuver is a longstanding
    and essentially unsolved problem. The resulting systems
    are not hybrid systems and their state space is not of
    the form R^n. They are distributed hybrid systems with
    nontrivial continuous and discrete dynamics in
    distributed state spaces whose dimension and topology
    changes dynamically over time. We present the first
    formal verification technique that can handle the
    complicated nonlinear dynamics of these systems. We
    introduce quantified differential invariants, which are
    properties that can be checked for invariance along the
    dynamics of the distributed hybrid system based on
    differentiation, quantified substitution, and
    quantifier elimination in real-closed fields. This
    gives a computationally attractive technique, because
    it works without having to solve the
    infinite-dimensional differential equation systems
    underlying distributed hybrid systems. We formally
    verify a roundabout maneuver in which aircraft can
    appear dynamically.}
  author    = {Erik P. Zawadzki and
               Geoffrey J. Gordon and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {An Instantiation-Based Theorem Prover for
               First-Order Programming},
  shortbooktitle = {AISTATS},
  year      = {2011},
  pages     = {},
  doi       = {},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 14th International
               Conference on Artifical Intelligence and
               Statistics (AISTATS) 2011, Fort Lauderdale,
               FL, USA},
  volume    = {15},
  series    = {JMLR W\&CP},
  eprint    = {},
  author    = {Sarah M. Loos and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer and
               Ligia Nistor},
  title     = {Adaptive Cruise Control:
               Hybrid, Distributed, and Now Formally
  booktitle = {FM},
  year      = {2011},
  pages     = {42-56},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-642-21437-0_6},
  editor    = {Michael Butler and
               Wolfram Schulte},
  longbooktitle = {FM 2011: Formal Methods, 17th
               International Symposium on Formal Methods,
               Limerick, Ireland, June 20-24, 2011,
  publisher = {Springer},
  series    = {LNCS},
  volume    = {6664},
  isbn      = {},
  keywords  = {distributed car control,
               multi-agent systems, highway traffic safety,
               formal verification, distributed hybrid
               systems, adaptive cruise control},
  author    = {Sarah M. Loos and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer and
               Ligia Nistor},
  title     = {Adaptive Cruise Control:
               Hybrid, Distributed, and Now Formally
  number    = {CMU-CS-11-107},
  year      = {2011},
  month     = {},
  institution = {School of Computer Science,
               Carnegie Mellon University},
  address   = {Pittsburgh, PA},
  pdf = {}
  author    = {Sicun Gao and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer and
               Edmund M. Clarke},
  title     = {Quantifier Elimination over Finite Fields
               with {G}r{\"o}bner Bases},
  booktitle = {CAI},
  year      = {2011},
  pages     = {140-157},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-642-21493-6_9},
  editor    = {Franz Winkler},
  longbooktitle = {Algebraic Informatics, Fourth
               International Conference, CAI
               2011, Linz, Austria, June 21-24, 2011,
  publisher = {Springer},
  series    = {LNCS},
  volume    = {6742},
  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Stochastic Differential Dynamic Logic for
               Stochastic Hybrid Programs},
  booktitle = {CADE},
  longbooktitle = {International Conference on Automated
               Deduction, {CADE-23}, Wroc{\l}aw, Poland,
  year      = {2011},
  pages     = {446-460},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-642-22438-6_34},
  keywords  = {dynamic logic, proof calculus,
               stochastic differential equations,
               stochastic hybrid systems,
               stochastic processes},
  editor    = {Nikolaj Bj{\o}rner and
               Viorica Sofronie-Stokkermans},
  publisher = {Springer},
  series    = {LNCS},
  volume    = {6803},
  isbn      = {},
  abstract  = {
    Logic is a powerful tool for analyzing and verifying
    systems, including programs, discrete systems,
    real-time systems, hybrid systems, and distributed
    systems. Some applications also have a stochastic
    behavior, however, either because of fundamental
    properties of nature, uncertain environments, or
    simplifications to overcome complexity. Discrete
    probabilistic systems have been studied using logic.
    But logic has been chronically underdeveloped in the
    context of stochastic hybrid systems, i.e., systems
    with interacting discrete, continuous, and stochastic
    dynamics. We aim at overcoming this deficiency and
    introduce a dynamic logic for stochastic hybrid
    systems. Our results indicate that logic is a
    promising tool for understanding stochastic hybrid
    systems and can help taming some of their complexity.
    We introduce a compositional model for stochastic
    hybrid systems. We prove adaptivity, cadlag, and
    Markov time properties, and prove that the semantics
    of our logic is measurable. We present compositional
    proof rules, including rules for stochastic
    differential equations, and prove soundness.
  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Stochastic Differential Dynamic Logic for
               Stochastic Hybrid Systems},
  number    = {CMU-CS-11-111},
  year      = {2011},
  month     = {},
  institution = {School of Computer Science,
               Carnegie Mellon University},
  address   = {Pittsburgh, PA},
  pdf = {}
  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {The Structure of Differential Invariants and
               Differential Cut Elimination},
  number    = {CMU-CS-11-112},
  year      = {2011},
  month     = {},
  institution = {School of Computer Science,
               Carnegie Mellon University},
  address   = {Pittsburgh, PA},
  pdf = {}
  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Logic and Compositional Verification of
               Hybrid Systems
               (Invited Tutorial)},
  booktitle = {CAV},
  longbooktitle = {Computer Aided Verification, 23rd
               International Conference,
               CAV 2011, Snowbird, UT, USA, July 14-20,
               2011, Proceedings},
  year      = {2011},
  pages     = {28-43},
  month     = {},
  editor    = {Ganesh Gopalakrishnan and
               Shaz Qadeer},
  publisher = {Springer},
  series    = {LNCS},
  volume    = {6806},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-642-22110-1_4},
  abstract  = {
    Hybrid systems are models for complex physical systems
    and have become a widely used concept for understanding
    their behavior. Many applications are safety-critical,
    including car, railway, and air traffic control,
    robotics, physical-chemical process control, and
    biomedical devices. Hybrid systems analysis studies how
    we can build computerised controllers for physical
    systems which are guaranteed to meet their design
    goals. The continuous dynamics of hybrid systems can be
    modeled by differential equations, the discrete
    dynamics by a combination of discrete state-transitions
    and conditional execution. The discrete and continuous
    dynamics interact to form hybrid systems, which makes
    them quite challenging for verification.

     In this tutorial, we survey state-of-the-art
    verification techniques for hybrid systems. In
    particular, we focus on a coherent logical approach for
    systematic hybrid systems analysis. We survey theory,
    practice, and applications, and show how hybrid systems
    can be verified in the hybrid systems verification tool
    KeYmaera. KeYmaera has been used successfully to verify
    safety, reactivity, controllability, and liveness
    properties, including collision freedom in air traffic,
    car, and railway control systems. It has also been used
    to verify properties of electrical circuits. }
  author    = {David W. Renshaw and
               Sarah M. Loos and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Distributed Theorem Proving for Distributed
               Hybrid Systems},
  booktitle = {ICFEM},
  year      = {2011},
  pages     = {356-371},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-642-24559-6_25},
  editor    = {Shengchao Qin and
               Zongyan Qiu},
  longbooktitle = {Formal Methods and Software Engineering,
               13th International Conference on Formal
               Engineering Methods, ICFEM 2011, Durham,
               UK, October 26-28, 2011. Proceedings},
  publisher = {Springer},
  series    = {LNCS},
  volume    = {6991},
  isbn      = {},
  keywords  = {Hybrid systems, theorem proving, formal
               verification, distributed systems},
  author    = {Jo{\~a}o Martins and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer and
               Jo{\~a}o Leite},
  title     = {Statistical Model Checking for Distributed
               Probabilistic-Control Hybrid Automata with
               Smart Grid Applications},
  booktitle = {ICFEM},
  year      = {2011},
  pages     = {131-146},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-642-24559-6_11},
  editor    = {Shengchao Qin and
               Zongyan Qiu},
  longbooktitle = {Formal Methods and Software Engineering,
               13th International Conference on Formal
               Engineering Methods, ICFEM 2011, Durham,
               UK, October 26-28, 2011. Proceedings},
  publisher = {Springer},
  series    = {LNCS},
  volume    = {6991},
  isbn      = {},
  keywords  = {Bayesian statistical model checking,
               distributed hybrid systems,
               probabilistic hybrid automata,
               verification of smart grid},
  author    = {Sarah M. Loos and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Safe Intersections: At the Crossing of
               Hybrid Systems and Verification},
  booktitle = {ITSC},
  longbooktitle = {Intelligent Transportation Systems
               (ITSC), 14th International IEEE Conference
               on, October 5-7, Washington, DC, USA,
  year      = {2011},
  pages     = {1181-1186},
  doi       = {10.1109/ITSC.2011.6083138},
  keywords  = {},
  editor    = {Kyongsu Yi},
  author    = {Akshay Rajhans and
               Ajinkya Bhave and
               Sarah M. Loos and
               Bruce H. Krogh and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer and
               David Garlan},
  title     = {Using parameters in architectural views to
               support heterogeneous design and
  booktitle = {CDC},
  longbooktitle = {50th IEEE Conference on Decision and
               Control and European Control Conference},
  year      = {2011},
  pages     = {2705-2710},
  doi       = {10.1109/CDC.2011.6161408},
  isbn      = {978-1-61284-800-6},
  author    = {David W. Renshaw and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Differential Invariants and Symbolic Integration
               for Distributed Hybrid Systems},
  number    = {CMU-CS-12-107},
  year      = {2011},
  month     = {May},
  institution = {School of Computer Science,
               Carnegie Mellon University},
  address   = {Pittsburgh, PA},
  pdf = {}
  author    = {Stefan Mitsch and
               Sarah M. Loos and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Towards formal verification of freeway
               traffic control},
  booktitle = {ICCPS},
  longbooktitle = {ACM/IEEE Third International Conference
               on Cyber-Physical Systems, Beijing, China,
               April 17-19},
  year      = {2012},
  pages     = {171-180},
  publisher = {IEEE},
  isbn      = {978-0-7695-4695-7},
  doi       = {10.1109/ICCPS.2012.25},
  editor    = {Chenyang Lu},
  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {The Complete Proof Theory of Hybrid Systems},
  number    = {CMU-CS-11-144},
  year      = {2011},
  month     = {November},
  institution = {School of Computer Science,
               Carnegie Mellon University},
  address   = {Pittsburgh, PA},
  pdf = {}
  author    = {Nikos Ar{\'e}chiga and
               Sarah M. Loos and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer and
               Bruce H. Krogh},
  title     = {Using Theorem Provers to Guarantee
               Closed-Loop System Properties},
  booktitle = {ACC},
  longbooktitle = {American Control Conference, Montr\'eal,
               Canada, June 27-29},
  year      = {2012},
  editor    = {Dawn Tilbury},
  pages     = {3573-3580},
  doi       = {10.1109/ACC.2012.6315388},
  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {The Structure of Differential Invariants
               and Differential Cut Elimination},
  journal   = {Logical Methods in Computer Science},
  volume    = {8},
  number    = {4},
  year      = {2012},
  pages     = {1-38},
  doi       = {10.2168/LMCS-8(4:16)2012},
  keywords  = {Proof theory, differential equations,
               differential invariants, differential cut
               elimination, differential dynamic logic
                hybrid systems, logics of programs,
                real differential semialgebraic geometry},
  abstract  = {
    The biggest challenge in hybrid systems verification is
    the handling of differential equations. Because
    computable closed-form solutions only exist for very
    simple differential equations, proof certificates have
    been proposed for more scalable verification. Search
    procedures for these proof certificates are still rather
    ad-hoc, though, because the problem structure is only
    understood poorly. We investigate differential
    invariants, which define an induction principle for
    differential equations and which can be checked for
    invariance along a differential equation just by using
    their differential structure, without having to solve
    them. We study the structural properties of differential
    invariants. To analyze trade-offs for proof search
    complexity, we identify more than a dozen relations
    between several classes of differential invariants and
    compare their deductive power. As our main results, we
    analyze the deductive power of differential cuts and the
    deductive power of differential invariants with
    auxiliary differential variables. We refute the
    differential cut elimination hypothesis and show that,
    unlike standard cuts, differential cuts are fundamental
    proof principles that strictly increase the deductive
    power. We also prove that the deductive power increases
    further when adding auxiliary differential variables to
    the dynamics.
  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Logics of Dynamical Systems},
  booktitle = {LICS},
  year      = {2012},
  pages     = {13-24},
  doi       = {10.1109/LICS.2012.13},
  longbooktitle = {Proceedings of the 27th Annual ACM/IEEE
               Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, LICS
               2012, Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 25???28, 2012},
  publisher = {IEEE},
  isbn      = {978-1-4673-2263-8},
  keywords  = {logic of dynamical systems, dynamic logic,
               differential dynamic logic, hybrid systems,
               axiomatization, deduction},
  abstract  = {
    We study the logic of dynamical systems, that is,
    logics and proof principles for properties of dynamical
    systems. Dynamical systems are mathematical models
    describing how the state of a system evolves over time.
    They are important in modeling and understanding many
    applications, including embedded systems and
    cyber-physical systems. In discrete dynamical systems,
    the state evolves in discrete steps, one step at a
    time, as described by a difference equation or discrete
    state transition relation. In continuous dynamical
    systems, the state evolves continuously along a
    function, typically described by a differential
    equation. Hybrid dynamical systems or hybrid systems
    combine both discrete and continuous dynamics.

     This is a brief survey of differential dynamic logic
    for specifying and verifying properties of hybrid
    systems. We explain hybrid system models, differential
    dynamic logic, its semantics, and its axiomatization
    for proving logical formulas about hybrid systems. We
    study differential invariants, i.e., induction
    principles for differential equations. We briefly
    survey theoretical results, including soundness and
    completeness and deductive power. Differential dynamic
    logic has been implemented in automatic and interactive
    theorem provers and has been used successfully to
    verify safety-critical applications in automotive,
    aviation, railway, robotics, and analogue electrical
  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {The Complete Proof Theory of
               Hybrid Systems},
  booktitle = {LICS},
  year      = {2012},
  pages     = {541-550},
  doi       = {10.1109/LICS.2012.64},
  longbooktitle = {Proceedings of the 27th Annual ACM/IEEE
               Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, LICS
               2012, Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 25???28, 2012},
  publisher = {IEEE},
  isbn      = {978-1-4673-2263-8},
  keywords  = {proof theory, hybrid dynamical systems,
               differential dynamic logic, axiomatization,
  abstract  = {
    Hybrid systems are a fusion of continuous dynamical
    systems and discrete dynamical systems. They freely
    combine dynamical features from both worlds. For that
    reason, it has often been claimed that hybrid systems
    are more challenging than continuous dynamical systems
    and than discrete systems. We now show that,
    proof-theoretically, this is not the case. We present a
    complete proof-theoretical alignment that interreduces
    the discrete dynamics and the continuous dynamics of
    hybrid systems. We give a sound and complete
    axiomatization of hybrid systems relative to continuous
    dynamical systems and a sound and complete
    axiomatization of hybrid systems relative to discrete
    dynamical systems. Thanks to our axiomatization,
    proving properties of hybrid systems is exactly the
    same as proving properties of continuous dynamical
    systems and again, exactly the same as proving
    properties of discrete dynamical systems. This
    fundamental cornerstone sheds light on the nature of
    hybridness and enables flexible and provably perfect
    combinations of discrete reasoning with continuous
    reasoning that lift to all aspects of hybrid systems
    and their fragments.}
  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Differential Game Logic for Hybrid Games},
  number    = {CMU-CS-12-105},
  year      = {2012},
  month     = {March},
  institution = {School of Computer Science,
               Carnegie Mellon University},
  address   = {Pittsburgh, PA},
  pdf = {}
  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {A Complete Axiomatization of
               Quantified Differential Dynamic Logic
               for Distributed Hybrid Systems},
  journal   = {Logical Methods in Computer Science},
  volume    = {8},
  number    = {4},
  year      = {2012},
  pages     = {1-44},
  doi       = {10.2168/LMCS-8(4:17)2012},
  note      = {Special issue for selected papers from
  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Dynamic Logics of Dynamical Systems},
  journal   = {CoRR},
  volume    = {abs/1205.4788},
  year      = {2012},
  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {A Differential Operator Approach to
               Equational Differential Invariants},
  booktitle = {ITP},
  longbooktitle = {Interactive Theorem Proving,
               International Conference, ITP 2012, August
               13-15, Princeton, USA},
  year      = {2012},
  pages     = {28-48},
  month     = {},
  editor    = {Lennart Beringer and
               Amy Felty},
  publisher = {Springer},
  series    = {LNCS},
  volume    = {7406},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-642-32347-8_3},
  keywords  = {differential dynamic logic, differential
               invariants, differential equations,
               hybrid systems},
  abstract  = {
    Hybrid systems, i.e., dynamical systems combining
    discrete and continuous dynamics, have a complete
    axiomatization in differential dynamic logic relative
    to differential equations. Differential invariants are
    a natural induction principle for proving properties of
    the remaining differential equations. We study the
    equational case of differential invariants using a
    differential operator view. We relate differential
    invariants to Lie's seminal work and explain important
    structural properties resulting from this view.
    Finally, we study the connection of differential
    invariants with partial differential equations in the
    context of the inverse characteristic method for
    computing differential invariants.
  author    = {Jan-David Quesel and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Playing Hybrid Games with KeYmaera},
  booktitle = {IJCAR},
  year      = {2012},
  pages     = {439-453},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-642-31365-3_34},
  editor    = {Bernhard Gramlich and
               Dale Miller and
               Ulrike Sattler},
  longbooktitle = {Automated Reasoning - 6th International
               Joint Conference, IJCAR 2012, Manchester, UK.
  series    = {LNCS},
  volume    = {7364},
  publisher = {Springer},
  isbn      = {978-3-642-31364-6},
  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Logical Analysis of Hybrid Systems:
               A Complete Answer to a Complexity Challenge},
  booktitle = {DCFS},
  longbooktitle  = {Descriptional Complexity of Formal
               Systems - 14th International Workshop, DCFS
               2012, Braga, Portugal, July 23-25, 2012.
  year      = {2012},
  pages     = {43-49},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-642-31623-4_3},
  editor    = {Martin Kutrib and
               Nelma Moreira and
               Rog{\'e}rio Reis},
  publisher = {Springer},
  series    = {LNCS},
  volume    = {7386},
  isbn      = {978-3-642-31622-7},
  author    = {David Henriques and
               Jo{\~a}o G. Martins and
               Paolo Zuliani and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer and
               Edmund M. Clarke},
  title     = {Statistical Model Checking for
               {Markov} Decision Processes},
  booktitle = {QEST},
  year      = {2012},
  pages     = {84-93},
  doi       = {10.1109/QEST.2012.19},
  longbooktitle = {Ninth International Conference on
               Quantitative Evaluation of Systems, QEST
               2012, London, UK, 17-20 September, 2012},
  publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
  keywords  = {statistical model checking,
               Markov decision processes,
               reinforcement learning},
  abstract  = {
    Statistical Model Checking (SMC) is a computationally
    very efficient verification technique based on
    selective system sampling. One well identified
    shortcoming of SMC is that, unlike probabilistic model
    checking, it cannot be applied to systems featuring
    nondeterminism, such as Markov Decision Processes
    (MDP). We address this limitation by developing an
    algorithm that resolves nondeterminism
    probabilistically, and then uses multiple rounds of
    sampling and Reinforcement Learning to provably
    improve resolutions of nondeterminism with respect to
    satisfying a Bounded Linear Temporal Logic (BLTL)
    property. Our algorithm thus reduces an MDP to a fully
    probabilistic Markov chain on which SMC may be applied
    to give an approximate solution to the problem of
    checking the probabilistic BLTL property. We integrate
    our algorithm in a parallelised modification of the
    PRISM simulation framework. Extensive validation with
    both new and PRISM benchmarks demonstrates that the
    approach scales very well in scenarios where symbolic
    algorithms fail to do so.}
  author    = {David W. Renshaw and
               Sarah Loos and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Mechanized Safety Proofs for
               Disc-Constrained Aircraft},
  number    = {CMU-CS-12-132},
  year      = {2012},
  month     = {August},
  institution = {School of Computer Science,
               Carnegie Mellon University},
  address   = {Pittsburgh, PA},
  pdf = {}
  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Logical Analysis of Hybrid Systems:
               A Complete Answer to a Complexity Challenge},
  journal   = {Journal of Automata, Languages and
  volume  = {17},
  number = {2-4},
  year      = {2012},
  pages     = {265-275},
  author    = {Yanni Kouskoulas and
               David W. Renshaw and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer and
               Peter Kazanzides},
  title     = {Certifying the Safe Design of a Virtual
               Fixture Control Algorithm for a Surgical
  year      = {2013},
  pages     = {263-272},
  doi       = {10.1145/2461328.2461369},
  publisher = {ACM},
  editor    = {Calin Belta and
               Franjo Ivancic},
  booktitle = {Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control
               (part of CPS Week 2013), HSCC'13,
               Philadelphia, PA, USA, April 8-13, 2013},
  author    = {Sarah M. Loos and
               David W. Renshaw and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Formal Verification of Distributed
               Aircraft Controllers},
  year      = {2013},
  pages     = {125-130},
  doi       = {10.1145/2461328.2461350},
  publisher = {ACM},
  editor    = {Calin Belta and
               Franjo Ivancic},
  booktitle = {Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control
               (part of CPS Week 2013), HSCC'13,
               Philadelphia, PA, USA, April 8-13, 2013},
  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {A Complete Axiomatization for Differential
               Game Logic for Hybrid Games},
  number    = {CMU-CS-13-100R},
  year      = {2013},
  month     = {January},
  institution = {School of Computer Science,
               Carnegie Mellon University},
  address   = {Pittsburgh, PA},
  note      = {Extended in revised version from July 2013},
  pdf = {}
  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Teaching {CPS} Foundations With Contracts},
  year      = {2013},
  booktitle = {CPS-Ed},
  longbooktitle = {First Workshop on Cyber-Physical
               Systems Education},
  pages     = {7-10},
  eprint    = {},
  author    = {Erik P. Zawadzki and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer and
               Geoffrey J. Gordon},
  title     = {A Generalization of {SAT} and {\#{SAT}}
               for Policy Evaluation},
  booktitle = {IJCAI},
  year      = {2013},
  pages     = {2583-2589},
  editor    = {Francesca Rossi},
  longbooktitle = {IJCAI 2013, Proceedings of the 23nd
               International Joint Conference on
               Artificial Intelligence, Beijing,
               China, August 3-9, 2013},
  publisher = {IJCAI/AAAI},
  isbn      = {},
  eprint    = {},
  author    = {Erik P. Zawadzki and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer and
               Geoffrey J. Gordon},
  title     = {A Generalization of {SAT} and {\#{SAT}}
               for Policy Evaluation},
  number    = {CMU-CS-13-107},
  year      = {2013},
  month     = {},
  institution = {School of Computer Science,
               Carnegie Mellon University},
  address   = {Pittsburgh, PA},
  pdf = {}
  author    = {Stefan Mitsch and
               Khalil Ghorbal and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {On Provably Safe Obstacle Avoidance for
               Autonomous Robotic Ground Vehicles},
  booktitle = {Robotics: Science and Systems},
  year      = {2013},
  editor    = {Paul Newman and
               Dieter Fox and
               David Hsu},
  longbooktitle = {Robotics: Science and Systems IX,
               Technische Universit{\"a}t Berlin, 
               Berlin, Germany, June 24 - June 28, 
  isbn      = {978-981-07-3937-9},
  doi       = {10.15607/RSS.2013.IX.014},
  author    = {Paolo Zuliani and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer and
               Edmund M. Clarke},
  title     = {Bayesian Statistical Model Checking with
               Application to {Simulink/Stateflow}
  journal   = {Formal Methods in System Design},
  volume    = {43},
  number    = {2},
  year      = {2013},
  pages     = {338-367},
  doi       = {10.1007/s10703-013-0195-3},
  issn      = {0925-9856},
  keywords  = {Probabilistic verification, Hybrid systems,
               Stochastic systems, Statistical model
               checking, Hypothesis testing, Estimation},
  abstract  = {
        We address the problem of model checking
        stochastic systems, i.e., checking whether a
        stochastic system satisfies a certain temporal
        property with a probability greater (or smaller)
        than a fixed threshold. In particular, we present
        a Statistical Model Checking (SMC) approach based
        on Bayesian statistics. We show that our approach
        is feasible for a certain class of hybrid systems
        with stochastic transitions, a generalization of
        Simulink/Stateflow models. Standard approaches to
        stochastic discrete systems require numerical
        solutions for large optimization problems and
        quickly become infeasible with larger state
        spaces. Generalizations of these techniques to
        hybrid systems with stochastic effects are even
        more challenging. The SMC approach was pioneered
        by Younes and Simmons in the discrete and
        non-Bayesian case. It solves the verification
        problem by combining randomized sampling of system
        traces (which is very efficient for
        Simulink/Stateflow) with hypothesis testing (i.e.,
        testing against a probability threshold) or
        estimation (i.e., computing with high probability
        a value close to the true probability). We believe
        SMC is essential for scaling up to large
        Stateflow/Simulink models. While the answer to the
        verification problem is not guaranteed to be
        correct, we prove that Bayesian SMC can make the
        probability of giving a wrong answer arbitrarily
        small. The advantage is that answers can usually
        be obtained much faster than with standard,
        exhaustive model checking techniques. We apply our
        Bayesian SMC approach to a representative example
        of stochastic discrete-time hybrid system models
        in Stateflow/Simulink: a fuel control system
        featuring hybrid behavior and fault tolerance. We
        show that our technique enables faster
        verification than state-of-the-art statistical
        techniques. We emphasize that Bayesian SMC is by
        no means restricted to Stateflow/Simulink models.
        It is in principle applicable to a variety of
        stochastic models from other domains, e.g.,
        systems biology.
  author    = {Sarah M. Loos and
               David Witmer and
               Peter Steenkiste and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Efficiency Analysis of Formally
               Verified Adaptive Cruise Controllers},
  booktitle = {ITSC},
  longbooktitle = {Intelligent Transportation Systems
              (ITSC), 16th International IEEE
              Conference on, October 6-9, The
              Hague, Netherlands, Proceedings},
  year      = {2013},
  pages     = {1565-1570},
  doi       = {10.1109/ITSC.2013.6728453},
  editor    = {Andreas Hegyi and
               Bart De Schutter},
  isbn      = {978-1-4799-2914-613},
  keywords  = {Traffic theory for ITS, Network
               modeling, Driver assistance systems,
               V2V wireless communication,
               Hybrid systems, Formal verification},
  abstract  = {

  We consider an adaptive cruise control system
in which control decisions are made based on position
and velocity information received from other vehicles
via V2V wireless communication. If the vehicles
follow each other at a close distance, they have
better wireless reception but collisions may occur
when a follower car does not receive notice about the
decelerations of the leader car fast enough to react
before it is too late. If the vehicles are farther
apart, they would have a bigger safety margin, but
the wireless communication drops out more often, so
that the follower car no longer receives what the
leader car is doing. In order to guarantee safety,
such a system must return control to the driver if it
does not receive an update from a nearby vehicle
within some timeout period. The value of this timeout
parameter encodes a tradeoff between the likelihood
that an update is received and the maximum safe
acceleration. Combining formal verification
techniques for hybrid systems with a wireless
communication model, we analyze how the expected
efficiency of a provably-safe adaptive cruise control
syst em is affected by the value of this timeout.
  author    = {Khalil Ghorbal and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Characterizing Algebraic Invariants by
               Differential Radical Invariants},
  booktitle = {TACAS},
  year      = {2014},
  pages     = {279-294},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-642-54862-8_19},
  editor    = {Erika {\'A}brah{\'a}m and
               Klaus Havelund},
  longbooktitle = {Tools and Algorithms for the Construction
               and Analysis of Systems - 20th International
               Conference, TACAS 2014, Held as Part of the
               European Joint Conferences on Theory and
               Practice of Software, ETAPS 2014, Grenoble,
               France, April 5-13, 2014. Proceedings},
  publisher = {Springer},
  series    = {LNCS},
  volume    = {8413},
  isbn      = {978-3-642-54861-1},
  author    = {Khalil Ghorbal and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Characterizing Algebraic Invariants by
               Differential Radical Invariants},
  number    = {CMU-CS-13-129},
  year      = {2013},
  month     = {},
  institution = {School of Computer Science,
               Carnegie Mellon University},
  address   = {Pittsburgh, PA},
  pdf = {}
  author    = {Stefan Mitsch and
               Jan-David Quesel and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Refactoring, Refinement, and Reasoning:
               A Logical Characterization for Hybrid
  booktitle = {FM},
  year      = {2014},
  pages     = {481-496},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-319-06410-9_33},
  editor    = {Cliff B. Jones and
               Pekka Pihlajasaari and
               Jun Sun},
  longbooktitle = {FM 2014: Formal Methods, 19th
               International Symposium on Formal
               Methods, Singapore, May 12-16, 2014,
  publisher = {Springer},
  volume    = {8442},
  author    = {Yanni Kouskoulas and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer and
               Peter Kazanzides},
  title     = {Formal Methods for Robotic System Control
  journal   = {Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest},
  volume    = {32},
  number    = {2},
  year      = {2013},
  pages     = {490-498},
  eprint = {},
  author    = {Andr\'e Platzer},
  title     = {Foundations of Cyber-Physical Systems},
  year      = {2013},
  howpublished = {Lecture Notes 15-424/624,
               Carnegie Mellon University},
  url = {}
  author    = {Erik P. Zawadzki and
               Geoffrey J. Gordon and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {A Projection Algorithm for Strictly Monotone
               Linear Complementarity Problems},
  booktitle = {6th NIPS Workshop on Optimization for
               Machine Learning},
  year      = {2013},
  eprint    = {},
  author    = {Stefan Mitsch and
               Grant Olney Passmore and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Collaborative Verification-Driven
               Engineering of Hybrid Systems},
  journal   = {Mathematics in Computer Science},
  volume    = {8},
  number    = {1},
  year      = {2014},
  pages     = {71-97},
  doi       = {10.1007/s11786-014-0176-y},
  author    = {Jean{-}Baptiste Jeannin and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {{dTL$^2$}: Differential Temporal Dynamic
               Logic with Nested Temporalities for
               Hybrid Systems},
  booktitle = {IJCAR},
  year      = {2014},
  pages     = {292-306},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-319-08587-6_22},
  editor    = {St{\'e}phane Demri and
               Deepak Kapur and
               Christoph Weidenbach},
  longbooktitle = {Automated Reasoning - 7th International
               Joint Conference, IJCAR 2014, Held as Part
               of the Vienna Summer of Logic, VSL 2014,
               Vienna, Austria, July 19-22, 2014.
  publisher = {Springer},
  series    = {LNCS},
  subseries = {LNAI},
  volume    = {8562},
  isbn      = {978-3-319-08586-9},
  author    = {Akshay Rajhans and
               Ajinkya Bhave and
               Ivan Ruchkin and
               Bruce H. Krogh and
               David Garlan and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer and
               Bradley Schmerl},
  title     = {Supporting Heterogeneity in Cyber-Physical
               Systems Architectures},
  journal   = {IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control},
  year      = {2014},
  volume    = {59},
  number    = {12},
  pages     = {3178-3193},
  doi       = {10.1109/TAC.2014.2351672},
  author    = {Khalil Ghorbal and
               Andrew Sogokon and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Invariance of Conjunctions of Polynomial
               Equalities for Algebraic Differential
  booktitle = {SAS},
  year      = {2014},
  pages     = {151-167},
  editor    = {Markus M{\"u}ller-Olm and
               Helmut Seidl},
  longbooktitle = {Static Analysis - 21th International
               Symposium, SAS 2014, Munich, Germany,
              September 11-13, 2014. Proceedings},
  publisher = {Springer},
  series    = {LNCS},
  volume    = {8723},
  isbn      = {978-3-319-10935-0},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-319-10936-7_10}
  author    = {Stefan Mitsch and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {{ModelPlex}: Verified Runtime Validation
               of Verified Cyber-Physical System Models},
  number    = {CMU-CS-14-121},
  year      = {2014},
  month     = {},
  institution = {School of Computer Science,
               Carnegie Mellon University},
  address   = {Pittsburgh, PA},
  pdf = {}
  author    = {Stefan Mitsch and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {{ModelPlex}: Verified Runtime Validation
               of Verified Cyber-Physical System Models},
  booktitle = {RV},
  year      = {2014},
  pages     = {199-214},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-319-11164-3_17},
  editor    = {Borzoo Bonakdarpour and
               Scott A. Smolka},
  longbooktitle = {Runtime Verification - 5th 
               International Conference, RV
               2014, Toronto, ON, Canada, September 22--25,
               2014. Proceedings},
  publisher = {Springer},
  series    = {LNCS},
  volume    = {8734},
  author    = {Stefan Mitsch and
               Jan-David Quesel and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title      = {From Safety to Guilty \& from Liveness to Niceness},
  editor     = {Calin Belta and
                Hadas Kress-Gazit},
  booktitle  = {5th Workshop on Formal Methods for Robotics and Automation},
  year       = {2014},
  doi        = {10.1184/R1/6605882.v1},
  author    = {Khalil Ghorbal and
               Jean{-}Baptiste Jeannin and
               Erik P. Zawadzki and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer and
               Geoffrey J. Gordon and
               Peter Capell},
  title     = {Hybrid Theorem Proving of Aerospace Systems:
               Applications and Challenges},
  journal   = {Journal of Aerospace Information Systems},
  volume    = {11},
  number    = {10},
  pages     = {702-713},
  year      = {2014},
  doi       = {10.2514/1.I010178},
  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Analog and Hybrid Computation: Dynamical Systems and Programming Languages},
  journal   = {Bulletin of the {EATCS}},
  year      = {2014},
  volume    = {114},
  eprint    = {},
  author    = {Khalil Ghorbal and
               Andrew Sogokon and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {A Hierarchy of Proof Rules for Checking
               Differential Invariance of Algebraic Sets},
  booktitle = {VMCAI},
  year      = {2015},
  pages     = {431-448},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-662-46081-8_24},
  editor    = {Deepak D'Souza and
               Akash Lal and
               Kim Guldstrand Larsen},
  longbooktitle = {Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract
               Interpretation - 16th International Conference,
               {VMCAI} 2015, Mumbai, India, January 12-14, 2015,
  series    = {LNCS},
  volume    = {8931},
  publisher = {Springer},
  author    = {Sarah M. Loos and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Teaching Cyber-Physical Systems with Logic},
  year      = {2014},
  note      = {Manuscript},
  author    = {Jean{-}Baptiste Jeannin and
               Khalil Ghorbal and
               Yanni Kouskoulas and
               Ryan Garnder and
               Aurora Schmidt and
               Erik Zawadzki and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {A Formally Verified Hybrid System for the
               Next-Generation Airborne Collision Avoidance System},
  number    = {CMU-CS-14-138},
  year      = {2014},
  month     = {},
  institution = {School of Computer Science,
               Carnegie Mellon University},
  address   = {Pittsburgh, PA},
  pdf = {}
  author    = {Andr\'e Platzer},
  title     = {Foundations of Cyber-Physical Systems},
  year      = {2014},
  howpublished = {Lecture Notes 15-424/624,
               Carnegie Mellon University},
  url = {}
  author    = {Jan-David Quesel and
               Stefan Mitsch and
               Sarah Loos and
               Nikos Ar{\'e}chiga and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {How to Model and Prove Hybrid Systems
               with {KeYmaera}:
               A Tutorial on Safety},
  journal   = {STTT},
  year      = {2016},
  volume    = {18},
  number    = {1},
  pages     = {67-91},
  doi       = {10.1007/s10009-015-0367-0},
  author    = {Jean{-}Baptiste Jeannin and
               Khalil Ghorbal and
         Yanni Kouskoulas and
         Ryan Gardner and
         Aurora Schmidt and
         Erik Zawadzki and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {A Formally Verified Hybrid System for the
               Next-generation Airborne Collision Avoidance System},
  booktitle = {TACAS},
  year      = {2015},
  pages     = {21-36},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-662-46681-0_2},
  editor    = {Christel Baier and
               Cesare Tinelli},
  longbooktitle = {Tools and Algorithms for the Construction
               and Analysis of Systems - 21st International
         Conference, TACAS 2015, London, UK, April
         11-18, 2015, Proceedings},
  series    = {LNCS},
  volume    = {9035},
  publisher = {Springer},
  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Differential Hybrid Games},
  number    = {CMU-CS-14-102},
  year      = {2014},
  month     = {December},
  institution = {School of Computer Science,
               Carnegie Mellon University},
  address   = {Pittsburgh, PA},
  pdf = {}
  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {A Uniform Substitution Calculus 
               for Differential Dynamic Logic},
  booktitle = {CADE},
  longbooktitle = {International Conference on
               Automated Deduction, {CADE-25}, Berlin,
               Germany, Proceedings},
  year      = {2015},
  pages     = {467-481},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-319-21401-6_32},
  editor    = {Amy P. Felty and
               Aart Middeldorp},
  publisher = {Springer},
  series    = {LNCS},
  volume    = {9195},
  eprint    = {1503.01981}
  author    = {Nathan Fulton and
               Stefan Mitsch and
               Jan-David Quesel and
               Marcus V{\"o}lp and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {{KeYmaera X}: An Axiomatic Tactical Theorem Prover
               for Hybrid Systems},
  booktitle = {CADE},
  longbooktitle = {International Conference on Automated
               Deduction, {CADE-25}, Berlin, Germany, Proceedings},
  year      = {2015},
  pages     = {527--538},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-319-21401-6_36},
  editor    = {Amy P. Felty and
               Aart Middeldorp},
  publisher = {Springer},
  series    = {LNCS},
  volume    = {9195},
  author    = {Annika Peterson},
  title     = {Formal Verification of a Controlled
        Flight Between Two Robots: A Case Study},
  howpublished = {Senior thesis,
        Carnegie Mellon University, Computer
        Science Department},
  month  = {May},
  year      = {2015},
  school    = {Carnegie Mellon University,
               Computer Science Department},
  author    = {Stefan Mitsch and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer and
               Werner Retschitzegger and
               Wieland Schwinger},
  title     = {Logic-based Modeling Approaches for Qualitative and Hybrid Reasoning in Dynamic Spatial Systems},
  journal   = {{ACM} Comput. Surv.},
  volume    = {48},
  number    = {1},
  pages     = {3:1--3:40},
  year      = {2015},
  doi       = {10.1145/2764901}
  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Differential Game Logic},
  journal   = {{ACM} Trans. Comput. Log.},
  volume    = {17},
  number    = {1},
  year      = {2015},
  pages     = {1:1--1:51},
  doi       = {10.1145/2817824},
  issn      = {1529-3785},
  editor    = {Roland Meyer and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer and
               Heike Wehrheim},
  title     = {Correct System Design
Symposium in Honor of Ernst-R{\"{u}}diger Olderog on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday Oldenburg, Germany, September 8-9, 2015 Proceedings},
  booktitle = {ERO},
  publisher = {Springer},
  series    = {LNCS},
  volume    = {9360},
  year      = {2015},
  isbn      = {978-3-319-23505-9},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-319-23506-6},
  author    = {Jean{-}Baptiste Jeannin and
               Khalil Ghorbal and
               Yanni Kouskoulas and
               Ryan Gardner and
               Aurora Schmidt and
               Erik Zawadzki and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Formal Verification of {ACAS X},
               an Industrial Airborne Collision Avoidance System},
  booktitle = {EMSOFT},
  year      = {2015},
  pages     = {127-136},
  doi       = {10.1109/EMSOFT.2015.7318268},
  editor    = {Alain Girault and
               Nan Guan},
  longbooktitle = {2015 International Conference on Embedded
               Software, {EMSOFT} 2015, Amsterdam, The
               Netherlands, October 4-9, 2015},
  publisher = {IEEE Press},
  author    = {Nikos Arechiga and
               James Kapinski and
               Jyotirmoy V. Deshmukh and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer and
               Bruce H. Krogh},
  title     = {Forward invariant cuts to simplify proofs of safety},
  booktitle = {EMSOFT},
  pages     = {227-236},
  year      = {2015},
  doi       = {10.1109/EMSOFT.2015.7318278},
  editor    = {Alain Girault and
               Nan Guan},
  longbooktitle = {2015 International Conference on
               Embedded Software, {EMSOFT} 2015,
               Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 4-9,
  publisher = {IEEE},
  isbn      = {978-1-4673-8079-9}
  author    = {Andreas M{\"u}ller and
               Stefan Mitsch and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Verified Traffic Networks: Component-Based
               Verification of Cyber-Physical Flow Systems}, 
  booktitle = {ITSC},
  longbooktitle={Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC),
               2015 IEEE 18th International Conference on},
  year      = {2015},
  pages     = {757-764},
  doi       = {10.1109/ITSC.2015.128},
  keywords  = {Automobiles, Contracts, Load modeling, Mathematical model, Roads, Safety},
  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {How to Prove Hybrid Systems and Why That Matters}, 
  booktitle = {ICCSE},
  longbooktitle={2015 International Conference on Complex Systems Engineering (ICCSE)},
  year      = {2015},
  pages     = {},
  doi       = {10.1109/ComplexSys.2015.7385983},
  author    = {Jean{-}Baptiste Jeannin and
               Khalil Ghorbal and
               Yanni Kouskoulas and
               Aurora Schmidt and
               Ryan Gardner and
               Stefan Mitsch and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {A Formally Verified Hybrid System for Safe Advisories in the
               Next-generation Airborne Collision Avoidance System},
  journal   = {STTT},
  longjournal = {International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer},
  year      = {2017},
  volume    = {19},
  number    = {6},
  pages     = {717-741},
  doi       = {10.1007/s10009-016-0434-1},
  author    = {Andrew Sogokon and
               Khalil Ghorbal and
               Paul B. Jackson and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {A Method for Invariant Generation for
               Polynomial Continuous Systems},
  booktitle = {VMCAI},
  year      = {2016},
  pages     = {268-288},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-662-49122-5_13},
  editor    = {Barbara Jobstmann and
               K. Rustan M. Leino},
  longbooktitle = {Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract
               Interpretation - 17th International
               Conference, {VMCAI} 2016, St. Petersburg, FL,
               USA, January 17-19, 2016, Proceedings},
  series    = {LNCS},
  volume    = {9583},
  publisher = {Springer},
  author    = {Nathan Fulton and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {A Logic of Proofs for Differential Dynamic Logic:
               Toward Independently Checkable Proof Certificates for Dynamic Logics},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2016 Conference on Certified Programs and Proofs,
               {CPP} 2016, St. Petersburg, FL, USA, January 18-19, 2016},
  pages     = {110-121},
  year      = {2016},
  doi       = {10.1145/2854065.2854078},
  editor    = {Jeremy Avigad and
               Adam Chlipala},
  publisher = {{ACM}},
  author    = {Khalil Ghorbal and
               Andrew Sogokon and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {A Hierarchy of Proof Rules for
               Checking Positive Invariance of
               Algebraic and Semi-Algebraic Sets},
  journal   = {Computer Languages, Systems and Structures},
  year      = {2017},
  volume    = {47},
  number    = {1},
  pages     = {19-43},
  doi       = {10.1016/},
  author    = {Stefan Mitsch and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {{ModelPlex}: Verified Runtime Validation of
               Verified Cyber-Physical System Models},
  journal   = {Form. Methods Syst. Des.},
  longjournal = {Formal Methods in System Design},
  year      = {2016},
  volume    = {49},
  number    = {1},
  pages     = {33-74},
  doi       = {10.1007/s10703-016-0241-z},
  issn      = {0925-9856},
  note      = {Special issue of selected papers from RV'14},
  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {A Complete Uniform Substitution Calculus 
               for Differential Dynamic Logic},
  journal   = {J. Autom. Reas.},
  longjournal = {Journal of Automated Reasoning},
  year      = {2017},
  volume    = {59},
  number    = {2},
  pages     = {219-265},
  doi       = {10.1007/s10817-016-9385-1},
  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Logic \& Proofs for Cyber-Physical Systems},
  booktitle = {IJCAR},
  longbooktitle = {Automated Reasoning, 8th International Joint Conference,
               IJCAR 2016, Coimbra, Portugal, Proceedings},
  year      = {2016},
  pages     = {15-21},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-319-40229-1_3},
  volume    = {9706},
  editor    = {Nicola Olivetti and
               Ashish Tiwari},
  publisher = {Springer},
  series    = {LNCS},
  keywords = {logic, cyber-physical systems, multi-dynamical systems,
               differential dynamic logic, KeYmaera X},
  abstract = {\emph{Cyber-physical systems} (CPS) combine cyber aspects
               such as communication and computer control with physical
               aspects such as movement in space, which arise frequently in
               many safety-critical application domains, including aviation,
               automotive, railway, and robotics. But how can we ensure that
               these systems are guaranteed to meet their design goals, e.g.,
               that an aircraft will not crash into another one?
               This paper highlights some of the most fascinating aspects of
               cyber-physical systems and their dynamical systems models,
               such as hybrid systems that combine discrete transitions and
               continuous evolution along differential equations. Because of
               the impact that they can have on the real world, CPSs
               deserve proof as safety evidence.
               \emph{Multi-dynamical systems} understand complex systems
               as a combination of multiple elementary dynamical aspects,
               which makes them natural mathematical models for CPS,
               since they tame their complexity by compositionality.
               The family of \emph{differential dynamic logics} achieves
               this compositionality by providing compositional logics,
               programming languages, and reasoning principles for CPS.
               Differential dynamic logics, as implemented in the theorem
               prover KeYmaera X, have been instrumental in verifying many
               applications, including the Airborne Collision Avoidance
               System ACAS X, the European Train Control System ETCS,
               automotive systems, mobile robot navigation, and a surgical
               robot system for skull-base surgery. This combination of
               strong theoretical foundations with practical theorem proving
               challenges and relevant applications makes
               \emph{Logic for CPS} an ideal area for compelling
               and rewarding research.}
  author    = {Andreas M{\"u}ller and
               Stefan Mitsch and
               Werner Retschitzegger and
               Wieland Schwinger and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {A Component-based Approach to
               Hybrid Systems Safety Verification}, 
  booktitle = {IFM},
  longbooktitle={Integrated Formal Methods - 12th
               International Conference, {IFM} 2016,
               Reykjavik, Iceland, June 1-4, 2016, Proceedings},
  year      = {2016},
  pages     = {441-456},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-319-33693-0_28},
  editor    = {Erika Abraham and
               Marieke Huisman},
  series    = {LNCS},
  volume    = {9681},
  publisher = {Springer},
  author    = {Andreas M{\"u}ller and
               Stefan Mitsch and
               Werner Retschitzegger and
               Wieland Schwinger and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {A Component-based Approach to
               Hybrid Systems Safety Verification}, 
  number    = {CMU-CS-16-100},
  year      = {2016},
  month     = {June},
  institution = {School of Computer Science,
               Carnegie Mellon University},
  address   = {Pittsburgh, PA},
  pdf = {}
  author    = {Andr\'e Platzer},
  title     = {Foundations of Cyber-Physical Systems},
  year      = {2016},
  howpublished = {Lecture Videos 15-424/624/824,
               Carnegie Mellon University},
  author    = {Andr\'e Platzer},
  title     = {Foundations of Cyber-Physical Systems},
  year      = {2016},
  howpublished = {Lecture Notes 15-424/624/824,
               Carnegie Mellon University},
  url = {},
  author    = {Stefan Mitsch and
               Khalil Ghorbal and
               David Vogelbacher and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Formal Verification of Obstacle Avoidance
               and Navigation of Ground Robots},
  journal   = {I. J. Robotics Res.},
  longjournal={International Journal of Robotics Research},
  volume    = {36},
  number    = {12},
  pages     = {1312-1340},
  year      = {2017},
  doi       = {10.1177/0278364917733549},
  arXiv     = {1605.00604}
  author    = {Loos, Sarah M.},
  school    = {Computer Science Department,
             School of Computer Science,
             Carnegie Mellon University},
  title     = {Differential Refinement Logic},
  year      = {2016},
  url       = {},
  author    = {Sarah M. Loos and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Differential Refinement Logic},
  booktitle = {LICS},
  year      = {2016},
  pages     = {505-514},
  doi       = {10.1145/2933575.2934555},
  longbooktitle = {Proceedings of the 31st Annual
               {ACM/IEEE} Symposium on Logic in Computer
               Science, {LICS} '16, New York, NY, USA,
               July 5-8, 2016},
  publisher = {ACM},
  editor    = {Martin Grohe and
               Eric Koskinen and
               Natarajan Shankar}
  author    = {Laurent Doyen and
               Goran Frehse and 
               George J. Pappas and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Verification of Hybrid Systems},
  booktitle = {Handbook of Model Checking},
  editor    = {Edmund M. Clarke and Thomas A. Henzinger and Helmut Veith and Roderick Bloem},
  publisher = {Springer},
  year      = {2018},
  pages     = {1047-1110},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-319-10575-8_30},
  address   = {Cham}
  author    = {Stefan Mitsch and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {The {KeYmaera X} proof {IDE}:
               Concepts on usability in hybrid systems theorem proving},
  booktitle = {3rd Workshop on Formal Integrated Development Environment},
  pages     = {67-81},
  year      = {2016},
  doi       = {10.4204/EPTCS.240.5},
  editor    = {Catherine Dubois and
               Paolo Masci and
               Dominique M{\'{e}}ry},
  optpublisher = {Open Publishing Association},
  series    = {EPTCS},
  volume    = {240},
  author    = {Brandon Bohrer and
               Vincent Rahli and
               Ivana Vukotic and
               Marcus V{\"o}lp and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Formally Verified Differential Dynamic Logic},
  pages     = {208-221},
  year      = {2017},
  doi       = {10.1145/3018610.3018616},
  editor    = {Yves Bertot and
               Viktor Vafeiadis},
  booktitle = {Certified Programs and Proofs -
               6th ACM SIGPLAN Conference, CPP 2017,
               Paris, France, January 16-17, 2017},
  publisher = {{ACM}},
  isbn      = {}
  author    = {Andr\'e Platzer},
  title     = {Foundations of Cyber-Physical Systems},
  year      = {2017},
  howpublished = {Lecture Notes 15-424/624/824,
               Carnegie Mellon University},
  url = {}
  author    = {Franz Franchetti and
               Tze Meng Low and
               Stefan Mitsch and
               Juan Paolo Mendoza and
               Liangyan Gui and
               Amarin Phaosawasdi and
               David Padua and
               Soummya Kar and
               Jos\'e M. F. Moura and
               Mike Franusich and
               Jeremy Johnson and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer and
               Manuela Veloso},
  title     = {High-Assurance {SPIRAL}:
               End-to-End Guarantees for Robot
               and Car Control},
  journal   = {IEEE Control Systems},
  year      = {2017},
  volume    = {37},
  number    = {2},
  pages     = {82-103},
  doi       = {10.1109/MCS.2016.2643244},
  author    = {Andreas M{\"u}ller and
               Stefan Mitsch and
               Werner Retschitzegger and
               Wieland Schwinger and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Change and Delay Contracts for
               Hybrid System Component Verification}, 
  booktitle = {FASE},
  year      = {2017},
  pages     = {134-151},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-662-54494-5_8},
  editor    = {Marieke Huisman and
               Julia Rubin},
  series    = {LNCS},
  volume    = {10202},
  publisher = {Springer},
  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Differential Hybrid Games},
  journal   = {{ACM} Trans. Comput. Log.},
  volume    = {18},
  number    = {3},
  year      = {2017},
  pages     = {19:1-19:44},
  doi       = {10.1145/3091123},
  issn      = {1529-3785},
  author    = {Nathan Fulton and
               Stefan Mitsch and
               Brandon Bohrer and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Bellerophon: Tactical Theorem Proving
               for Hybrid Systems},
  booktitle = {ITP},
  longbooktitle = {Interactive Theorem Proving,
               International Conference, ITP 2017},
  year      = {2017},
  pages     = {207-224},
  month     = {},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-319-66107-0_14},
  editor    = {Mauricio Ayala-Rinc{\'o}n and
               C{\'e}sar A. Mu{\~n}oz},
  publisher = {Springer},
  series    = {LNCS},
  volume    = {10499},
  isbn      = {978-3-319-66106-3},
  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Logical Foundations of Cyber-Physical Systems},
  publisher = {Springer},
  address   = {Cham},
  year      = {2018},
  isbn      = {978-3-319-63587-3},
  e-isbn    = {978-3-319-63588-0},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-319-63588-0},
  author    = {Andr\'e Platzer},
  title     = {Videos for Logical Foundations of Cyber-Physical Systems},
  year      = {2018},
  howpublished = {YouTube},
  url = {}
  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer and
               Yong Kiam Tan},
  title     = {How to Prove ``All'' Differential Equation Properties},
  number    = {CMU-CS-17-117},
  year      = {2017},
  month     = {August},
  institution = {School of Computer Science,
               Carnegie Mellon University},
  address   = {Pittsburgh, PA},
  pdf = {},
  note      = {Extended version at arXiv:1802.01226.pdf},
  author    = {Stefan Mitsch and
               Marco Gario and
               Christof J. Budnik and
               Michael Golm and 
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Formal Verification of Train Control with
               Air Pressure Brakes},
  booktitle = {RSSRail},
  longbooktitle = {RSSRail 2017: Reliability, Safety,
               and Security of Railway Systems},
  year      = {2017},
  pages     = {173-191},
  editor    = {Alessandro Fantechi and
               Thierry Lecomte and
               Alexander Romanovsky},
  volume    = {10598},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-319-68499-4_12},
  series    = {LNCS},
  publisher = {Springer},
  author    = {Nathan Fulton and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Safe Reinforcement Learning via Formal Methods:
               Toward Safe Control Through Proof and Learning},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Thirty-Second {AAAI} Conference
               on Artificial Intelligence,
               February 2-7, 2018, New Orleans, Louisiana, {USA.}},
  pages     = {6485-6492},
  year      = {2018},
  doi       = {10.1609/aaai.v32i1.12107},
  editor    = {Sheila McIlraith and
               Kilian Weinberger},
  publisher = {{AAAI} Press},
  eprint    = {},
  author    = {Brandon Bohrer and
               Yong Kiam Tan and
               Stefan Mitsch and
               Magnus O. Myreen and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {{VeriPhy}: Verified Controller Executables
               from Verified Cyber-Physical System Models},
  pages     = {617-630},
  year      = {2018},
  doi       = {10.1145/3192366.3192406},
  publisher = {{ACM}},
  editor    = {Dan Grossman},
  booktitle = {PLDI},
  longbooktitle = {Proceedings of the 39th {ACM} {SIGPLAN}
               Conference on Programming Language
               Design and Implementation, {PLDI} 2018},
  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Uniform Substitution for Differential Game Logic},
  booktitle = {IJCAR},
  longbooktitle = {Automated Reasoning, 9th International Joint Conference,
               IJCAR 2018, Oxford, UK, Proceedings},
  year      = {2018},
  pages     = {211-227},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-319-94205-6_15},
  editor    = {Didier Galmiche and
               Stephan Schulz and
               Roberto Sebastiani},
  publisher = {Springer},
  series    = {LNCS},
  volume    = {10900},
  subseries = {LNAI},
  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer and
               Yong Kiam Tan},
  title     = {Differential Equation Axiomatization:
               The Impressive Power of Differential Ghosts},
  booktitle = {LICS},
  year      = {2018},
  pages     = {819-828},
  doi       = {10.1145/3209108.3209147},
  editor    = {Anuj Dawar and
               Erich Gr{\"{a}}del},
  longbooktitle = {Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in
               Computer Science, LICS},
  publisher = {ACM},
  key       = {LICS},
  isbn      = {978-1-4503-5583-4},
  address   = {New York},
  author    = {Brandon Bohrer and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {A Hybrid, Dynamic Logic for Hybrid-Dynamic Information Flow},
  booktitle = {LICS},
  year      = {2018},
  pages     = {115-124},
  doi       = {10.1145/3209108.3209151},
  editor    = {Anuj Dawar and
               Erich Gr{\"{a}}del},
  longbooktitle = {Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in
               Computer Science, LICS},
  publisher = {ACM},
  key       = {LICS},
  isbn      = {978-1-4503-5583-4},
  address   = {New York},
  author    = {Andrew Sogokon and
               Khalil Ghorbal and
               Yong Kiam Tan and
               Andr\'{e} Platzer},
  title     = {Vector Barrier Certificates and Comparison Systems},
  booktitle = {FM},
  year      = {2018},
  pages     = {418-437},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-319-95582-7_25},
  editor    = {Klaus Havelund and
               Bill Roscoe and
               Jan Peleska},
  longbooktitle = {{FM} 2018: Formal Methods - 
               22nd International Symposium, Oxford,
               UK, July 15-17, 2018, Proceedings},
  publisher = {Springer},
  series    = {LNCS},
  volume    = {10951},
  address   = {},
  author   = {Brandon Bohrer and
              Adriel Luo and
              Xue An Chuang and
              Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  editor   = {Alessandro Abate and
              Antoine Girard and
              Maurice Heemels},
  title    = {{CoasterX}: {A} Case Study in Component-Driven  Hybrid Systems Proof Automation},
  booktitle = {6th {IFAC} Conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems, {ADHS}
              2018, Oxford, UK, July 11-13, 2018},
  series    = {IFAC-PapersOnLine},
  volume    = {51},
  number    = {16},
  pages     = {55--60},
  publisher = {Elsevier},
  year      = {2018},
  doi       = {10.1016/j.ifacol.2018.08.010},
  author   = {Andreas M{\"{u}}ller and
              Stefan Mitsch and
              Werner Retschitzegger and
              Wieland Schwinger and
              Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Tactical Contract Composition for Hybrid System Component Verification},
  journal   = {STTT},
  volume    = {20},
  number    = {6},
  year      = {2018},
  pages     = {615-643},
  doi       = {10.1007/s10009-018-0502-9},
  note      = {Special issue for selected papers from FASE'17}
  author    = {Nathan Fulton and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Safe {AI} for {CPS}},
  booktitle = {{IEEE} International Test Conference,
               {ITC} 2018, Phoenix, AZ, USA,
               October 29 - Nov. 1, 2018},
  pages     = {},
  year      = {2018},
  publisher = {IEEE},
  doi       = {10.1109/TEST.2018.8624774},
  isbn      = {978-1-5386-8382-8},
  author    = {Stefan Mitsch and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Verified Runtime Validation for Partially Observable Hybrid Systems},
  journal   = {CoRR},
  volume    = {abs/1811.06502},
  year      = {2018},
  url       = {},
  author    = {Fulton, Nathan},
  school    = {Computer Science Department,
             School of Computer Science,
             Carnegie Mellon University},
  title     = {Verifiably Safe Autonomy for Cyber-Physical Systems},
  year      = {2018},
  url       = {},
  author    = {Brandon Bohrer and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {A Hybrid, Dynamic Logic for Hybrid-Dynamic Information Flow},
  number    = {CMU-CS-18-105},
  year      = {2018},
  month     = {},
  institution = {School of Computer Science,
               Carnegie Mellon University},
  address   = {Pittsburgh, PA},
  pdf = {}
  author    = {Luis Garcia and
               Stefan Mitsch and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {{HyPLC}: Hybrid Programmable Logic Controller Program Translation for Verification},
  booktitle = {ICCPS},
  longbooktitle = {10th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems},
  year      = {2019},
  editor    = {Linda Bushnell and
               Miroslav Pajic},
  pages     = {47-56 },
  publisher = {},
  isbn      = {},
  doi       = {10.1145/3302509.3311036},
  author    = {Nathan Fulton and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Verifiably Safe Off-Model Reinforcement Learning},
  booktitle = {TACAS},
  year      = {2019},
  pages     = {413-430},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-030-17462-0_28},
  editor    = {Tomas Vojnar and
               Lijun Zhang},
  longbooktitle = {Tools and Algorithms for the Construction
               and Analysis of Systems, TACAS 2019, Part {I}},
  publisher = {Springer},
  series    = {LNCS},
  volume    = {11427},
  address   = {},
  isbn      = {},
  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Uniform Substitution At One Fell Swoop},
  journal   = {CoRR},
  volume    = {abs/1902.07230},
  year      = {2019},
  url       = {},
  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Uniform Substitution At One Fell Swoop},
  booktitle = {CADE},
  longbooktitle = {International Conference on Automated Deduction, {CADE-27}, Natal, Brazil, Proceedings},
  year      = {2019},
  pages     = {425-441},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-030-29436-6_25},
  editor    = {Pascal Fontaine},
  publisher = {Springer},
  series    = {LNCS},
  volume    = {11716},
  address   = {},
  author    = {Katherine Cordwell and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Towards Physical Hybrid Systems},
  booktitle = {CADE},
  longbooktitle = {International Conference on Automated Deduction, {CADE-27}, Natal, Brazil, Proceedings},
  year      = {2019},
  pages     = {216-232},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-030-29436-6_13},
  editor    = {Pascal Fontaine},
  publisher = {Springer},
  series    = {LNCS},
  volume    = {11716},
  address   = {},
  author    = {Brandon Bohrer and
               Manuel Fern{\'{a}}ndez and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {{dL$_\iota$}: Definite Descriptions in Differential Dynamic Logic},
  booktitle = {CADE},
  longbooktitle = {International Conference on Automated Deduction, {CADE-27}, Natal, Brazil, Proceedings},
  year      = {2019},
  pages     = {94-110},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-030-29436-6_6},
  editor    = {Pascal Fontaine},
  publisher = {Springer},
  series    = {LNCS},
  volume    = {11716},
  address   = {},
  author    = {Brandon Bohrer and
               Yong Kiam Tan and
               Stefan Mitsch and
               Andrew Sogokon and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {A Formal Safety Net for
               Waypoint Following in Ground Robots},
  journal   = {{IEEE} Robotics and Automation Letters},
  volume    = {4},
  number    = {3},
  year      = {2019},
  pages     = {2910-2917},
  doi       = {10.1109/LRA.2019.2923099},
  author    = {Yong Kiam Tan and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {An Axiomatic Approach to Liveness
               for Differential Equations},
  booktitle = {FM},
  year      = {2019},
  pages     = {371-388},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-030-30942-8_23},
  editor    = {ter Beek, Maurice and
               McIver, Annabelle and
               Oliviera, Jos{\'{e}} N.},
  longbooktitle = {FM 2019: Formal Methods -- The Next 30 Years},
  publisher = {Springer},
  series    = {LNCS},
  volume    = {11800},
  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer and
               Yong Kiam Tan},
  title     = {Differential Equation Invariance Axiomatization},
  journal   = {CoRR},
  volume    = {abs/1905.13429},
  year      = {2019},
  archivePrefix = {arXiv},
  opteprint    = {1905.13429},
  author    = {Andrew Sogokon and
               Stefan Mitsch and
               Yong Kiam Tan and
               Katherine Cordwell and
               Andr\'{e} Platzer},
  title     = {{Pegasus}: A Framework for Sound Continuous Invariant Generation},
  booktitle = {FM},
  year      = {2019},
  pages     = {138-157},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-030-30942-8_10},
  editor    = {ter Beek, Maurice and
               McIver, Annabelle and
               Oliviera, Jos{\'{e}} N.},
  longbooktitle = {FM 2019: Formal Methods -- The Next 30 Years},
  publisher = {Springer},
  series    = {LNCS},
  volume    = {11800},
  author    = {Jo{\~a}o Martins and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer and
               Jo{\~a}o Leite},
  title     = {Dynamic Doxastic Differential Dynamic Logic
               for Belief-Aware Cyber-Physical Systems},
  booktitle = {TABLEAUX},
  pages     = {428-445},
  year      = {2019},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-030-29026-9_24},
  editor    = {Serenella Cerrito and
               Andrei Popescu},
  longbooktitle = {Automated Reasoning with Analytic
               Tableaux and Related Methods - 27th
               International Conference, {TABLEAUX} 2019,
               London, September 3-5, 2019, Proceedings},
  series    = {LNCS},
  volume    = {11714},
  publisher = {Springer},
  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {The Logical Path to Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems},
  booktitle = {QEST},
  pages     = {25-33},
  year      = {2019},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-030-30281-8_2},
  editor    = {David Parker and
               Verena Wolf},
  longbooktitle = {International Conference on 
               Quantitative Evaluation of 
               SysTems, {QEST}, Proceedings},
  series    = {LNCS},
  volume    = {11785},
  publisher = {Springer},
  author    = {Andreas M{\"{u}}ller and
               Stefan Mitsch and
               Wieland Schwinger and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {A Component-Based Hybrid Systems 
               Verification and Implementation Tool
               in KeYmaera {X} (Tool Demonstration)},
  booktitle = {Cyber Physical Systems.
               Model-Based Design - 8th International Workshop,
               CyPhy 2018, and 14th International Workshop, {WESE} 2018, Turin, Italy,
               October 4-5, 2018,
               Revised Selected Papers},
  pages     = {91--110},
  year      = {2018},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-030-23703-5\_5},
  editor    = {Roger D. Chamberlain and
               Walid Taha and
               Martin T{\"{o}}rngren},
  series    = {LNCS},
  volume    = {11615},
  publisher = {Springer},
  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Overview of Logical Foundations of Cyber-Physical Systems},
  journal   = {CoRR},
  volume    = {abs/1910.11232},
  year      = {2019},
  url       = {},
  archivePrefix = {arXiv},
  eprint    = {1910.11232},
  author    = {Brandon Bohrer and
               Manuel Fern{\'{a}}ndez and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {{dL$_\iota$}: Definite Descriptions in Differential Dynamic Logic},
  number    = {CMU-CS-19-111},
  year      = {2019},
  month     = {},
  institution = {School of Computer Science,
               Carnegie Mellon University},
  address   = {Pittsburgh, PA},
  pdf = {}
  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer and
               Yong Kiam Tan},
  title     = {Differential Equation Invariance Axiomatization},
  journal   = {J. {ACM}},
  volume    = {67},
  number    = {1},
  pages     = {6:1--6:66},
  year      = {2020},
  doi       = {10.1145/3380825},
  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {{KeYmaera~X} Tutorial},
  pages     = {1--66},
  year      = {2019},
  url       = {},
  howpublished = {\url{}}
  author    = {Brandon Bohrer and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Constructive Game Logic},
  year      = {2020},
  pages     = {},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-030-44914-8_4},
  editor    = {Peter M{\"{u}}ller},
  booktitle = {Programming Languages and Systems -
                29th European Symposium on Programming,
               {ESOP} 2020, Held as Part of the 
               European Joint Conferences on Theory
               and Practice of Software, {ETAPS} 2020,
               Dublin, Ireland, April 25-30, 2020, Proceedings},
  series    = {LNCS},
  volume    = {12075},
  publisher = {Springer},
  author    = {Brandon Bohrer and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Constructive Hybrid Games},
  booktitle = {IJCAR},
  longbooktitle = {Automated Reasoning, 10th International Joint Conference,
               IJCAR 2020, Paris, France, Proceedings},
  year      = {2020},
  pages     = {454-473},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-030-51074-9_26},
  editor    = {Nicolas Peltier and
               Viorica Sofronie-Stokkermans},
  publisher = {Springer},
  series    = {LNCS},
  volume    = {12166},
  subseries = {LNAI},
  author    = {Brandon Bohrer and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  editor    = {Zena M. Ariola},
  title     = {Refining Constructive Hybrid Games},
  booktitle = {5th International Conference on Formal Structures for Computation
               and Deduction, {FSCD} 2020, June 29 - July 5, 2020, Paris, France},
  series    = {LIPIcs},
  volume    = {167},
  pages     = {},
  publisher = {Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum f{\"{u}}r Informatik},
  year      = {2020},
  doi       = {10.4230/LIPIcs.FSCD.2020.14},
  author    = {Stefan Mitsch and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {A Retrospective on Developing Hybrid Systems Provers
               in the {KeYmaera} Family -
               {A} Tale of Three Provers},
  booktitle = {Deductive Software Verification: Future Perspectives -
               Reflections on the Occasion of 20 Years of {KeY}},
  pages     = {21-64},
  year      = {2020},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-030-64354-6_2},
  editor    = {Wolfgang Ahrendt and
               Bernhard Beckert and
               Richard Bubel and
               Reiner H{\"{a}}hnle and
               Matthias Ulbrich},
  series    = {LNCS},
  volume    = {12345},
  publisher = {Springer},
  isbn      = {978-3-030-64353-9},
  addresss  = {}
  author    = {Andrew Sogokon and
               Stefan Mitsch and
               Yong Kiam Tan and
               Katherine Cordwell and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Pegasus: Sound Continuous Invariant Generation},
  journal   = {Form. Methods Syst. Des.},
  longjournal = {Formal Methods in System Design},
  year      = {2022},
  volume    = {58},
  number    = {1},
  pages     = {5-41},
  doi       = {10.1007/s10703-020-00355-z},
  issn      = {0925-9856},
  note      = {Special issue for selected papers from FM'19},
  author    = {Yong Kiam Tan and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {An Axiomatic Approach to Existence and Liveness
               for Differential Equations},
  journal   = {Formal Aspects Comput.},
  volume    = {33},
  number    = {4},
  pages     = {461-518},
  year      = {2021},
  doi       = {10.1007/s00165-020-00525-0},
  issn      = {0934-5043},
  note      = {Special issue for selected papers from FM'19},
  author    = {Yong Kiam Tan and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  editor    = {Jan Friso Groote and
               Kim G. Larsen},
  title     = {Deductive Stability Proofs for Ordinary Differential Equations},
  booktitle = {Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems
               - 27th International Conference, {TACAS} 2021, Held as Part of the
               European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, {ETAPS}
               2021, Proceedings, Part {II}},
  series    = {LNCS},
  volume    = {12652},
  pages     = {181–199},
  publisher = {Springer},
  year      = {2021},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-030-72013-1_10},
  author    = {Yong Kiam Tan and
              Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  editor    = {Rapha{\"{e}}l M. Jungers and
               Necmiye Ozay and
               Alessandro Abate},
  title     = {Switched Systems as Hybrid Programs},
  booktitle = {7th {IFAC} Conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems, {ADHS}
               2021, Brussels, Belgium, July 7-9, 2021},
  series    = {IFAC-PapersOnLine},
  volume    = {54},
  number    = {5},
  pages     = {247--252},
  publisher = {Elsevier},
  year      = {2021},
  doi       = {10.1016/j.ifacol.2021.08.506},
  author    = {Katherine Cordwell and
               Yong Kiam Tan and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  editor    = {Liron Cohen and
               Cezary Kaliszyk},
  title     = {A Verified Decision Procedure for Univariate Real Arithmetic with
               the {BKR} Algorithm},
  booktitle = {12th International Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving, {ITP}
               2021, June 29 to July 1, 2021, Rome, Italy},
  series    = {LIPIcs},
  volume    = {193},
  pages     = {14:1--14:20},
  publisher = {Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum f{\"{u}}r Informatik},
  year      = {2021},
  doi       = {10.4230/LIPIcs.ITP.2021.14},
  biburl    = {},
  author    = {Bohrer, Rose},
  school    = {Computer Science Department,
               School of Computer Science,
               Carnegie Mellon University},
  title     = {Practical End-to-End Verification of Cyber-Physical Systems},
  year      = {2021},
  url       = {},
  author    = {Rachel Cleaveland},
  title     = {Formal Verification of Next-Generation Airborne Collision Avoidance System with Adversarial Intruder Behavior},
  howpublished = {Senior thesis,
        Carnegie Mellon University, Computer
        Science Department},
  month  = {May},
  year      = {2021},
  school    = {Carnegie Mellon University,
               Computer Science Department},
  editor    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer and
               Geoff Sutcliffe},
  longtitle = {Automated Deduction - {CADE}-28, 28th
                International Conference
               on Automated Deduction, Pittsburgh, USA,
               July 12-15, 2021, Proceedings},
  title     = {The 28th International Conference on Automated Deduction},
  booktitle = {CADE},
  publisher = {Springer},
  series    = {LNCS},
  volume    = {12699},
  year      = {2021},
  address   = {},
  isbn      = {978-3-030-79875-8},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-030-79876-5},
  author    = {Brandon Bohrer and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Structured Proofs for Adversarial Cyber-Physical Systems},
  journal   = {{ACM} Trans. Embed. Comput. Syst.},
  volume    = {20},
  number    = {5s},
  pages     = {93:1-93:26},
  year      = {2021},
  doi       = {10.1145/3477024},
  note      = {Special issue on EMSOFT 2021}
  author    = {Matias Scharager and
               Katherine Cordwell and
               Stefan Mitsch and
               Andr\'{e} Platzer},
  title     = {Verified Quadratic Virtual Substitution for Real Arithmetic},
  booktitle = {FM},
  year      = {2021},
  pages     = {200-217},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-030-90870-6_11},
  editor    = {Huisman, Marieke and
               Pasareanu, Corina S. and
               Zhan, Naijun},
  longbooktitle = {FM 2021: Formal Methods},
  longlongbooktitle = {Formal Methods - 24th International Symposium, {FM} 2021,
                 November 20-26, 2021, Proceedings},
  publisher = {Springer},
  series    = {LNCS},
  volume    = {13047},
  author    = {Qin Lin and
               Stefan Mitsch and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer and
               John M. Dolan},
  title     = {Safe and Resilient Practical Waypoint-following for Autonomous Vehicles},
  journal   = {{IEEE} Control Syst. Lett.},
  volume    = {6},
  year      = {2022},
  doi       = {10.1109/LCSYS.2021.3125717},
  pages     = {1574-1579},
  author    = {Yong Kiam Tan and
               Stefan Mitsch and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Verifying Switched System Stability With Logic},
  year      = {2022},
  pages     = {2:1--2:22},
  doi       = {10.1145/3501710.3519541},
  publisher = {ACM},
  editor    = {Ezio Bartocci and
               Sylvie Putot},
  booktitle = {{HSCC} '22: 25th {ACM} International Conference on Hybrid Systems:
               Computation and Control, Milan, Italy, May 4 - 6, 2022},
  author    = {Abou El Wafa, Noah and
               Platzer, Andr{\'{e}}},
  title     = {First-Order Game Logic and Modal Mu-Calculus},
  journal   = {CoRR},
  volume    = {abs/2201.10012},
  year      = {2022},
  url       = {},
  author    = {Gallicchio, James and
               Tan, Yong Kiam and
               Mitsch, Stefan and
               Platzer, Andr{\'{e}}},
  title     = {Implicit Definitions with Differential Equations for {KeYmaera} {X}
               - (System Description)},
  booktitle = {IJCAR},
  longbooktitle = {Automated Reasoning, International
               Joint Conference, IJCAR 2022, Proceedings},
  year      = {2022},
  pages     = {723-733},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-031-10769-6_42},
  editor    = {Jasmin Blanchette and
               Laura Kov{\'{a}}cs and
               Dirk Pattinson},
  publisher = {Springer},
  series    = {LNCS},
  volume    = {13385},
  author    = {Rachel Cleaveland and
               Stefan Mitsch and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Formally Verified Next-Generation Airborne Collision Avoidance Games in {ACAS X}},
  journal   = {{ACM} Trans. Embed. Comput. Syst.},
  volume    = {22},
  number    = {1},
  articleno = {10},
  pages     = {1-30},
  year      = {2023},
  doi       = {10.1145/3544970},
  issn      = {1539-9087},
  author    = {Yong Kiam Tan},
  school    = {Computer Science Department, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University},
  title     = {Deductive Verification for Ordinary Differential Equations: Safety, Liveness, and Stability},
  year      = {2022},
  url       = {},
  doi       = {10.1184/R1/20286534.v1}
  author    = {Weihan Li},
  title     = {Formal Verification of the Winning Strategies of Pursuit-Evasion Games},
  howpublished = {Master's thesis,
        Carnegie Mellon University, Computer
        Science Department},
  month  = {August},
  year      = {2022},
  school    = {Carnegie Mellon University,
               Computer Science Department},
  author    = {Kabra, Aditi and
               Mitsch, Stefan and
               Platzer, Andr{\'{e}}},
  title     = {Verified Train Controllers for the
               {Federal Railroad Administration} Train Kinematics Model:
               Balancing Competing Brake and Track Forces}, 
  journal   = {{IEEE} Trans. Comput. Aided Des. Integr. Circuits Syst.},
  longjournal = {{IEEE} Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of
               Integrated Circuits and Systems}, 
  volume    = {41},
  number    = {11},
  pages     = {4409-4420},
  year      = {2022},
  doi       = {10.1109/TCAD.2022.3197690},
  issn      = {0278-0070},
  author    = {Jonathan Laurent and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Learning to Find Proofs and Theorems by Learning to Refine Search Strategies},
  year      = {2022},
  pages     = {4843–4856},
  booktitle = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},
  editor    = {Sanmi Koyejo and
               Shakir Mohamed and
               Alekh Agarwal and
               Danielle Belgrave and
               Kyunghyun Cho and
               Alice Oh},
  publisher = {Curran Associates, Inc.},
  volume    = {35},
  url       = {\_files/paper/2022/hash/1f14ac136d55c34a18a04ce3db083599-Abstract-Conference.html},
  author    = {Katherine Kosaian and
               Yong Kiam Tan and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {A First Complete Algorithm for Real Quantifier Elimination in {Isabelle/HOL}},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 12th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on
               Certified Programs and Proofs},
  pages     = {211-224},
  editor    = {Brigitte Pientka and
               Steve Zdancewic},
  publisher = {ACM},
  year      = {2023},
  isbn      = {9798400700262},
  address   = {New York},
  doi       = {10.1145/3573105.3575672},
  author    = {Simmons, William and
               Platzer, Andr{\'{e}}},
  title     = {Differential Elimination and Algebraic Invariants of Polynomial
  Dynamical Systems},
  journal   = {CoRR},
  volume    = {abs/2301.10935},
  year      = {2023},
  url       = {},
  author    = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  editor    = {Uwe Gl{\"{a}}sser and
               Jos{\'{e}} Creissac Campos and
			   Dominique M{\'{e}}ry and
               Philippe Palanque},
  title     = {Refinements of Hybrid Dynamical Systems Logic},
  booktitle = {Rigorous State-Based Methods - 9th International Conference, {ABZ}
               2023, Nancy, France, Proceedings},
  series    = {LNCS},
  volume    = {14010},
  pages     = {3-14},
  publisher = {Springer},
  year      = {2023},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-031-33163-3_1},
  author    = {Marvin Brieger and
               Stefan Mitsch and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {Uniform Substitution for Dynamic Logic with Communicating Hybrid Programs},
  booktitle = {CADE},
  longbooktitle = {Automated Deduction -- CADE 29},
  otherbooktitle = {International Conference on Automated Deduction, CADE-29, Rome, Italy, Proceedings},
  year      = {2023},
  pages     = {96-115},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-031-38499-8_6},
  editor    = {Brigitte Pientka and
               Cesare Tinelli},
  publisher = {Springer},
  series    = {LNCS},
  volume    = {14132},
  address   = {},
  isbn      = {},
  author    = {Katherine Kosaian},
  school    = {Computer Science Department, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University},
  title     = {Formally Verifying Algorithms for Real Quantifier Elimination},
  year      = {2023},
  url       = {},
  author    = {Aditi Kabra and
               Jonathan Laurent and
               Stefan Mitsch and
               Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title     = {{CESAR}: Control Envelope Synthesis via Angelic Refinements},
  booktitle = {TACAS},
  year      = {2024},
  pages     = {144--164},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-031-57246-3_9},
  editor    = {Bernd Finkbeiner and
               Laura Kov{\'{a}}cs},
  longbooktitle = {Tools and Algorithms for the Construction
               and Analysis of Systems. TACAS 2024},
  publisher = {Springer},
  series    = {LNCS},
  volume    = {14570},
  isbn      = {978-3-031-57246-3},
  author    = {Prebet, Enguerrand and
               Platzer, Andr{\'{e}}},
  title     = {Uniform Substitution for Differential Refinement Logic},
  booktitle = {IJCAR},
  longbooktitle = {Automated Reasoning, International
               Joint Conference, IJCAR 2024, Proceedings},
  year      = {2024},
  pages     = {196-215},
  doi       = {10.1007/978-3-031-63501-4_11},
  editor    = {Christoph Benzm{\"{u}}ller and
               Marijn J. Heule and
               Renate A. Schmidt},
  publisher = {Springer},
  series    = {LNCS},
  volume    = {14740},
  author    = {Abou El Wafa, Noah and
               Platzer, Andr{\'{e}}},
  title     = {Complete Game Logic with Sabotage},
  booktitle = {LICS},
  year      = {2024},
  pages     = {1:1-1:15},
  doi       = {10.1145/3661814.3662121},
  editor  = {Pawel Sobocinski and
                  Ugo Dal Lago and
                  Javier Esparza},
  longbooktitle = {Proceedings of the 39th Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in
               Computer Science, LICS},
  publisher = {ACM},
  address   = {New York},
  author = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title = {{Intersymbolic {AI}: {I}nterlinking Symbolic {AI} and Subsymbolic {AI}}},
  booktitle = {ISoLA 2024}, 
  OPTbooktitle = {Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation (ISoLA'24)},
  editor = {Tiziana  Margaria and Bernhard Steffen},
  publisher = {Springer},
  series = {LNCS},
  volume = {15222},
  year = {2024},
  pages = {162-180},
  doi = {10.1007/978-3-031-75387-9_11},
  author       = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  editor       = {Emil Sekerinski and
                  Leila Ribeiro},
  title        = {The Significance of Symbolic Logic for Scientific Education},
  booktitle    = {Formal Methods Teaching: 6th International Workshop, FMTea 2024, Milano,
                  Italy, September 10, 2024, Proceedings},
  series       = {LNCS},
  volume       = {14939},
  pages        = {3-22},
  publisher    = {Springer},
  year         = {2024},
  doi          = {10.1007/978-3-031-71379-8_1},
  author       = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer},
  title        = {Hybrid Dynamical Systems Logic and Its Refinements},
  journal      = {Sci. Comput. Program.},
  volume       = {239},
  pages        = {103179},
  year         = {2025},
  doi          = {10.1016/J.SCICO.2024.103179},
  issn        = {0167-6423},
  author = {Broy, Manfred and
               Brucker, Achim and
               Fantechi, Alessandro and
               Gleirscher, Mario and
               Havelund, Klaus and
               Kuppe, Markus Alexander and
               Mendes, Alexandra and
               Platzer, Andr{\'{e}} and
               Ringert, Jan and
               Sullivan, Allison},
  title = {Does Every Computer Scientist Need to Know Formal Methods?},
  year = {2024},
  optpublisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
  optaddress = {New York, NY, USA},
  issn = {0934-5043},
  doi = {10.1145/3670795},
  journal = {Form. Asp. Comput.},
  volume = {37},
  number = {1},
  articleno = {6},
  pages = {1-17},
  author = {Teuber, Samuel and
               Mitsch, Stefan and
               Platzer, Andr{\'{e}}},
  title        = {Provably Safe Neural Network Controllers via Differential Dynamic Logic},
  year         = {2024},
  booktitle    = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},
  publisher    = {Curran Associates, Inc.},
  editor       = {A. Globerson and L. Mackey and A. Fan and C. Zhang and D. Belgrave and J. Tomczak and U. Paquet},
  author    = {Platzer, Andr{\'{e}} and
               Qian, Long},
  title     = {Axiomatization of Compact Initial Value Problems: Open Properties},
  journal   = {CoRR},
  volume    = {abs/2410.13836},
  year      = {2024},
  url       = {},
  author    = {Brieger, Marvin and
               Mitsch, Stefan and
               Platzer, Andr{\'{e}}},
  title     = {Complete Dynamic Logic of Communicating Hybrid Programs},
  journal   = {CoRR},
  volume    = {abs/2408.05012},
  year      = {2024},
  url       = {},
  author    = {Laurent, Jonathan and
                Platzer, Andr{\'{e}}},
  title     = {Oracular Programming: A Modular Foundation for Building {LLM}-Enabled Software},
  journal   = {CoRR},
  volume    = {abs/2502.05310},
  year      = {2025},
  url       = {},
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